forum Amaiibo rp with @Naize_lupin
Started by @heeey-bitchhhhhhhhhhh

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"Miu Iruma, I swear if you make him fight me again, I'm gonna kill you…" Rantaro growled. "You turned my boyfriend against me, you bitch…!"

(It's drama time!!!)


Rantaro couldn't dodge the attack as it was too sudden. He was taken aback by it, but he remained standing.

"Miu, stop! I'm not gonna fight!" Rantaro yelled. "Just let me have my boyfriend back!"


Rantaro stumbled for a second after the second hit. However, he regained his balance and stood up. He refused to fight back, as he didn't want to fight his boyfriend, just letting the other hit him until he could talk Miu out of this.

"Miu Iruma, please," he told her. "I just want him back."


Kiibo froze for a second, his eyes went dark and before he knew it, he was looking at all his friends “ why?.. Why are you looking at me like that? Rantaro! What happen!?”


"You…you attacked…me…" Rantaro replied weakly, the blows having weakened him. "I-it's not your fault… Miu reprogrammed you… Also…I'm okay…" he attempted to assure the other. "Just…um…don't think the world should be spinning…"


Shuichi nodded as he rushed over to them. "Kiibo, this isn't your fault. It's Miu's fault for programming you to turn against him. As for his injuries, Miu was mostly aiming for his head, so that explains the weakness. However, in Miu's remaining seconds of consciousness, she forced you to attack quickly and repeatedly in multiple areas. I'd suggest getting him to the hospital."

Rantaro weakly shook his head. "K-Kiibs…love…don't panic… I-I'm okay…"


"Kiibo…babe…I-I'll recover…" Rantaro tried to assure him, but his voice grew weaker as he started to slip into unconsciousness, trying his hardest to remain awake. "I-I'll be…fine…"


A doctor quickly rushed over to them when they saw Kiibo come in with a semi-conscious Rantaro. "What happened to him?" they asked. "We'll treat him as soon as possible, but if we can get info on why he's fading in and out of consciousness, that would be useful."