Started by @Williamnot group

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@Williamnot group

Pretty self explanatory, do they love putting up elaborate decorations, or making elaborate costumes? Do they just cosplay? Do they go trick r treating despite the fact that they're 32 and running the Mafia? What do they DO

@Williamnot group

I'll go first of course,

Felix: He dresses up in some form of ghillie suit or black bodysuit and scares people. He usually has some sort of mask that he puts on and starts chasing them. He's also the one that stole your bowl of candy you put out, not only taking the actual bowl, but he left the sour patch kids on the ground where the bowl was.

Jarrod: He's busy, so he just puts out a bowl of bad candy. He'll put up some wicked looking decorations though. His house is the only house nobody goes to because it's so scary. Rumor has it some kid got eaten by the hell hounds that are chained up in the front yard, those are clearly real. The bowl of Twizzlers definitely isn't worth it.

Austin: Em and Mel made him dress up in a decent costume. He put a bit off effort into it. He does go with them for trick r treating because matching costumes, but eventually Em has to go home, but he's still trying to get enough candy for his sugar fix, HE'S GOING TIL NO HOUSE IS ANSWERING THE DOOR BITCHES

Em: Yay! Halloween! Helps put up some decorations and also goes trick r treating, but after a while she gets tired and goes home to help hand out candy.

Mel: Halloween! Time to dress up in the most amazing costume in town! Rumor has it that she spent nearly $300 this year, and damn does it look like it. She also takes Em trick r treating with Austin.


Chilion: Either he stays home or goes to his boyfriends house to help decorate (Does most of the decorations).

Kiki: She dresses up as pop-culture references and scares children.

Rex: Uses his siblings to go out for trick-or-treating to make it seem like he's watching them but he secretly trick-or-treats with them. Would wear anime cosplay as a costume.

Bong-Ju: He either blends in with the other trick-or-treaters, or eats all the candy and passes out.

Ann: She hands out candy and watches horror movies in the back.

Machk: Takes his little sister out and protects her from every stranger. He wears matching costumes with his sister (ex: Mario and Luigi)

Estevan: He accidently mixes the drugs with the candy and ends up consuming both.

Daniel: Stays at home and prays no sinners come to his house.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Azami: Dresses up and goes trick-or-treating with her brothers, who cares if they're 19, 21 and 22, they're still gonna have fun and throw up after eating too much candy.

Peregrine: Wears matching costumes with Estella, and make the most terrifying haunted house ever.

Estella: Wears matching costumes with Peregrine, she does the sound effects for the haunted house and is rewarded with candy.

Jax: Her crew takes her trick-or-treating, they all do a group costume.

Teigi: Stays inside and buys a bag of candy for himself, sits by the fire and writes.

Peppermint: Dresses up and goes trick-or-treating with some of her older siblings.

@sock group

Here's my characters~
Ren: Dresses as a witch, hands out candy, gives away all the good candy much to Chan's dismay, only one still awake at the end and drags the rest to their respective beds
Chan: Dresses up as Elizabeth Schuyler and goes trick or treating, performs random songs from Hamilton like a Christmas caroler complete with made up dance moves, gets tired after half an hour and goes home to distribute candy
Lucas: Doesn't really like trick or treating, forced to come along by Chan, dresses up as a vampire cause Ren wanted him to look decent, pulls it off really well, made a kid cry for unrelated reasons
Himari: Dresses as a serial killer, with hockey mask, black clothing, and a very realistic chainsaw, only keeps the sour patch kids and skittles, gives the rest to Elyas
Elyas: Doesn't understand the concept of Halloween, tries his best, eats too much candy and goes on a sugar rush, passes out in the kitchen
Zephyr: Hasn't celebrated Halloween before, dresses as herself (horns, fangs, claws, scales), scares every kid that comes to their doorstep until Ren tells her to go trick or treating with Chan and Lucas

Deleted user

Faybl: "Come on Syn! It's Halloween, even you should be enjoying this."
Syn: "I know how I can enjoy it."
Faybl: (squints at him) "It better not be what I'm thinking."
Syn: "Well what are you thinking?"
Faybl: "You're gonna run around the realm, setting things on fire and killing people, right?"
Syn: "You guessed it darling, can I?"
Faybl: "First, don't call me that, second, NO! What the heck Syn, you can't do that anymore, ever since you sided with me, you sided with good, you cannot set things on fire or kill anyone tonight."
Syn: ". . . What if they did?"
Faybl: "They as in your other personalities, the ones that were supposedly split from your original being and are evil?"
Syn: (nods and moves out of the way so Faybl can see the small flicker of flame from a building behind him)
Faybl: (Slaps her face)

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Negative: Dresses up as herself and go scares the crap out of some people.

@Williamnot group

Lucas: Doesn't really like trick or treating, forced to come along by Chan, dresses up as a vampire cause Ren wanted him to look decent, pulls it off really well, made a kid cry for unrelated reasons

made a kid cry for unrelated reasons

unrelated reasons

what did he do

@sock group

Lucas: Doesn't really like trick or treating, forced to come along by Chan, dresses up as a vampire cause Ren wanted him to look decent, pulls it off really well, made a kid cry for unrelated reasons

made a kid cry for unrelated reasons

unrelated reasons

what did he do

He said that "the kid was being an asshole" and he "only threatened to murder him in his sleep". Then Himari tried to calm the kid down, forgetting she was dressed as a serial killer.


My characters, trick or treat!
They are quite young, so they would go to the city, they live in the countryside, and trick or treat dressed as:
Sukie: a cat
Lou: a princess
Charlotte: a faery!

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Well first off, they all have mutations that make it impossible to go out in public without covering up, so all of these characters would be able to strut their stuff without uncomfortably hiding their mutation on Halloween.

Sparta: He would enjoy being able to walk downtown with his boyfriend, Callum, and go into all the little coffee shops. When everything closes, he and Callum would walk back to Callum's, house snuggle up on the couch with a bag of candy they bought while shopping, and watch scary movies together.

Willow: She would tag along with Michael while they go to the store and ask for some candy, after Sparta strictly told Michael not to get Willow too much. After, Willow helped decorate and watched as Michael scared people, also watches the movies with Sebastian. Once that is over, she'll probably go into a sugar-induced coma.

Michael: She has a mutation where large man-made spider legs were attached to her back which makes for the perfect jump scare. She would go buy a load of spider webs cover the house with them and hide up in a corner somewhere. Whenever trick-or-treaters came through, she'd leap down and scare the shit out of them, which annoys Esteban cause the kids keep running away before she can give them their candy.(and may I just add, Michael has been my character for over 5 years, I thought of her mutation before Spider-Man had his new techy suit from Tony with the little spider legs, so no, I didn't rip off of Marvel)

Sebastian: She would help Michael decorate a whole month ahead and go absolutely ham with the decorations. On Halloween night she'll probably rent old Halloween classics like the classic Dracula, Frankenstein, etc. Then watch more modern Halloween movies too, such as Beetlejuice, Hocus Pocus, and Nightmare Before Christmas. She also made some pumpkin flavored treats all for herself, but Esteban ate the majority of them.

Esteban: She couldn't decide if she wanted to dress up as Dorothy (Wizard of Oz), Emily (The Corpse Bride), or a 60's girl, so she made all three costumes and wore all three throughout the night. While Sebastian binge watched all of her movies, Esteban took care of the trick-or-treaters, which she absolutely loved. She also kept giving out too much candy to the little ones and Sebastian kept scolding her for it.

Yato: Dresses up as a cheesy Dracula and runs around screaming: "I v'ill suck your blooood!!" Scaring young children in the process. When he gets exhausted, he joins Esteban with distributing the candy.

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Aster: Does nothing. Locks themself in their house so that Sain can't get to them for sending her through various portals throughout the year.
Sain: Tries (and fails) to get into Aster's house, eventually giving up and dressing up as something edgy and going to get candy.
Sora: Tries to keep Sain out of Aster's house, not holding much of a grudge against them and also just trying to keep her girlfriend from accidentally hurting herself. Doesn't really trick or treat, especially after a harsh incident from her childhood which makes her dislike it.
Star/Luné: The one time of year when they can both get along. After finding a post on pintrest, Star got the idea of running around in a squid costume and rushing people from in the woods. Sometimes saying creepily, "Squiddle-dee-dee, Squiddle-dee-dum. Squiddle-dee-dee will eat your thumbs." Luné approves completely and adds to the creepy effect. They terrify many people on this night.

@Anyanka99 groupoh shit waddup

(I'm imagining they're modern and in college)
Alga: can't decide if she wants to be spooky or sexy so she ends up dressing as like a zombie nurse or something stupid. She has a big party at her house.
Rothos: goes nerdy and dresses up like darth vader or Captain Kirk, he has no fucking clue what to do at a party. He would rather watch a spoooky movie.
Tavi: dresses super low effort, he has one of those shirts that say costume or something. If he's feeling up to it, he might wear a hat. I could also see him as a sheet ghost. He gets way too drunk and high and falls alsleep.
Nim: Does something cool and casual, like a race car driver or han solo. He eats a looot of candy.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Sophie: Trying to go to the Halloween party despite her mother's protests, Dressed up as a cute witch, Will make some stops for candy

Micheal: Going treat or tricking with his mom, Dressed up as a wither skeleton, Gets a lot of candy

Charlie: Dressed as a zombie with a flower crown or something, Jax uses him as a excuse to go trick or treating, Ends up leaving the candy to Jax or eating a bunch before leaving the rest in his closet

Lucas: Dressed as Aladin, Rides a hover board with a rug on top it around town, scammed a kid out their candy

Jax: Dressed up as a mummy, tries to trick or treat but everyone thinks he's 20, so he gets Charlie to pose as his younger twice-removed cousin

Matthew: Dressed as a bloody prom king, Runs a haunted house and is competing with Elijah's house party

Ava: Just bought a shitton of candy, Nothing special

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Kiron: knocking on someone's door. "I've been told that this is the only night of the human calendar that one can go to strangers houses and demand for sweets wearing strange and sometimes gruesome costumes." holds out bag. "Fill it up please."

@silv3r_f3rn_ group

Lilith: She would put up some decorations and leave out a bowel of the best and most expensive candy ever, and is sometimes forced to get dressed up and go out by Rylan
Rylan: Gets dressed up in really cute for extremely terrifying costumes, there is no in between
Ancel: Does not participate in Halloween, if trick-or-treaters knock at his door he lets his guards physically throw them of the property (He gets a lot of angry letters and visits from the police)
Adam: Decorates his house and makes it look extremely run-down, leaves a bowel of candy near the mailboxold and terrifying, no one comes near his house as they are terrified, some rumors state a kid went in and his remains are in the candy that's left out
Evening: Gets dressed up in elegant costumes, like Marilyn Monroe, and a flapper from the 20's


Alice- Goes all out every year in a costume and always goes trick or treating, loves all skeleton decorations.
Lyla- Loves putting on scary movies and scaring the crap out of people in general, always hosts a Halloween party, but still goes trick or treating with Alice to make sure she doesn't get lost.
Kyle- Not all that into Halloween, he's easily jumpscared sometimes and always has a "costume" without really dressing up like a homicidal maniac who looks just like anybody else, he still gets dragged into all of the Halloween stuff anyway.
Alex- Really likes Halloween, and also dresses up, he takes his little sisters trick or treating with Alice and the others
Xander- Loves horror movies and is totally into gore, accidentally scares people very easily, joins in with Lyla in watching horror movies, has a chill costume every year, but he still goes trick or treating, often does a twin costume with Alex


Brey- puts up elaborate spooky decorations, gets complicated costumes, probably goes to parties and stuff

Naku- puts up decorations, stays home and watches classic halloween movies while eating either candy or halloween-themed stuff she baked, is ready at a moment's notice to give out candy to trick-or-treaters

Pylam- Puts up some decorations, hangs out with a friend if he can, puts out a bowl with a sign that says "take as many as you want, just leave some for the next!"

Hayba- Probably does a cat ears and tail or something, goes to small parties or get-togethers with friends

Elest- Cheesy decorations, maybe zombie makeup or vampire teeth, somewhat spooky movies (the less scary horror movies)

Akolie- probably disguises himself as a prop to jump scare trick-or-treaters, loves the season

Adim- surprisingly into the season. Watches horror movies, gets crazy makeup and costumes, either goes to a party with Brey or stays home and eats candy


Ron: Carves scary messages into peoples bedroom windows.

Godfried: Carves pumpkins and leaves them in unusual areas.


Nathalie: starts dressing in costumes every day of the week despite the fact that it's not even Halloween yet, goes HARD on her makeup and probably attends any party she can get an invite to
Keris: will probably go super spooky and wear like a pair of fangs or something, secretly just wants to cuddle with somebody and pass out candy to the kids or get into a fight
Ada and Marta: would probably take their kids trick or treating, Marta gets the typical witch mom costume and Ada's wearing something lolita
Jules: is watching a scary movie pretending to be scared so that he can cuddle people
Caleb: secretly obsessed with everything pumpkin and probably doesn't care as much about Halloween, more so dressing in proper fall colors, and eating as many pumpkin-related foods as he can. Really likes to carve them, and would probably put them outside the dorms
Meggy: she's wearing a cool outfit and probably performing more tricks than treats
Johannes: wears the most simple ghost outfit ever

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Bonita: Going out cosplaying (probably as Yoon Bum), Still has to go trick or treating

Valerie: Going to the party, dressed as a queen, Probably broke something

Kikuchi Bois: Has some Halloween event in their game where you have to play the game to get cool gachas but you need a ticket to play each chapter that you have pay for, so basically scamming people

Insato: Going out trick or treating while wearing a sheet for a ghost costume


Buck and Honovi would probably dress up in scary costumes to frighten the kids and steal their candy- but they would probably also get drunk together and get arrested for disturbance of the peace

Marcel would stay at home to give out candy and act real scared when children come up to the door in their costumes.

Reese is probably downtown somewhere at a party, dressed in his axe-killer costume, while leaning against the wall with a red solo cup in his hand. He is not much of a talker, but he loves to people watch!

Cody and Jomei are wearing couple costumes- something cheesy like two peas in a pod- while also watching over Kevin and zachary to make sure that they don´t get into trouble/push a kid over when trying to get some candy.

June and Brooke decided to stay home and watch horror movies. ( Brooke hates it but June is having the best time.)

Alex, Cal and Odin all went to the Halloween maze to scare people through the corn and will probably head to one of their friends Halloween parties when they are done!

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Fern is very superstitious and is doing a whole bunch of stuff to ward of evil, Christi is sitting outside throwing candy at anyone who walks by and being really grumpy because she's physically unable to cross the line of salt on the doorstep.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Kelly: Staying inside and drawing spooky stuff, dressed as a skeleton, TPied the school
Emma: Going to the party dressed as a nurse, [[SELFIE INTENSIFIES]]
Dawn: Begrugdingly attend a party with Cleo, dress as a devil to Cleo's angel, may get in a fight
Tori: Watching halloween movies, is stuck in a two person shirt with Terry and as result has to be dragged to Elijah's party
Terry: Thrilled to go to the party with the cool kids but has to babysit Tori
Aaron: Going to the party, Dressed as Freddy Keuger, Stole some kid's candy
Darrell: Going to the party (mainly to watch over Aaron), Dressed as Jason, Had to give said kid his candy back
Claire: DJing at the party, dressed up as a doll
Elijah: Holding a party dressed up as Superman, probably ended up asleep on the couch head buried in candy
Hasuko: Has to help run a charity event, unintentionally scared a child while being by the mascot
Colton: (sad bunny noises)