forum If your OC was part of the SCP Foundation, what department would they be then?
Started by @s0ft_stardust group

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@s0ft_stardust group

We got Psychology - The therapists with a caffeine addictions
Maintenance -They might leave you stuck in the elevator out of spite
Engineering -Way too many explosives to work with
Records -Never leave their office…ever
Containment -Probably the strongest
Botany - Will bully you for killing a house plant
Research - Self explanatory (I don't have a joke for them)
Security - Don't worry, no one is watching you change
Medical -I take it back, they are the strongest and it's scary
Communication - Please talk to them, they get bored real quick
D- Class - You kinda deserve to be throw in a meat grinder my guy
Agents and Guards - (I don't have a joke for them either)

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Charlie and Romulus: Singlehandedly handling containment in their facility.
Johnny: Probably is an anomaly but for now, he'd be Records.
Lucky: Psychology, and he's pretty good at it.
Chet: Engineering, always and forever.
Ronnie: Only the top brass knows if he's really part of Containment, Security, Medical, D-Class Guard, or if he's actually an anomaly masquerading as normal.
Valiel: Medical but sweet enough to help out Psychology. Can still kill you 3million different ways though.
Ronni: Also in Records with Johnny. Knows everything there is to know about the site. Hasn't been seen outside the office in 3 years- may also be anomalous.
Franklyn: Research all day. The type of guy who accidentally makes everyone else feel stupid.
Da'amiun: Communication. Keeps up some form of almost constant chatter.
Tashan, Viktril, Shelsa: Handle maintenance because 'the boys are all slobs'.

@s0ft_stardust group

Actually department roles -Updated
Psychology - Therapists and psychologist for both site staff and anomalies
Maintenance - Maintenance around the site building. This includes cooking for staff and anomalies
Engineering - Creating/experimenting with machinery
Records -Keep everything in order and documented
Containment -Guarding, containing, and supervising anomalies
Botany - Chemicals experiments and greenhouse care, providing ingredients for the kitchen as well
Research - Self explanatory
Security - Watching over anomalies in containment and camera's around the sight
Medical - Self explanatory, for both staff and anomalies
Communication - Acts as communication between department , individual people, and other sites
D- Class - The worst people from person use for testing
Field Agents and Guards - Not apart of Containment. More like personal guards for current site members or anomalies

@another_Sarcastic_writer group

Hanna- psych (its almost as if she can read your mind)
Anya- records (she is extremely organized)
Savannah: either containment or engineering (my girl loves fighting but she also enjoys making things)
Amarya- botany or psych (she's got the patience of a saint)
Carlos- agent (he's working through some stuff)

Reya- engineering (she practically grew up in a mechanic repair store with her siblings Ash, Callan, and Althea)
Ash- engineering or botany (machines he knows but its like plants response to him)
Althea- communications (her siblings sucked at communicating growing up)
Callan- psych or maintenance (oldest sibling syndrome)

Jamie: research (you will almost never see his face, he's so lost in his research)
Paris: security (give her a gun and she's good to go)
Sammy: medical (he wouldn't be the most sympathetic but he would be effective)
andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer): records or communication (he's good with details)

@aekv group

Yonamine: security (she's agile, speedy, and seems to be everywhere at once? no one knows how she does it.)

Tama: communication (spends most her time hanging with Yonamine, since all she needs to do her job is her cellphone. also, she and Yona are engaged!)

Luó: maintenance (always has oil/grease stains on their clothes, and fucks with the elevators on purpose)

Nova: communication (can be found wandering all over the facility, most often bothering Saraa. they are sisters, after all)

Saraa: psychology (standoffish, sarcastic, and seems like she wouldn't be the right fit for her job at all. still, anyone who has sessions with her report that they find them helpful. oh, and she takes her coffee black.)

Ire: containment (intimidating enough to make some entities stay contained.)

Nasove: medical (she was originally a guard because of her history of being a strong martial artist. her knowledge of injuries and treatments is what got her the position.)

Menghan: psychology (and probably the sweetest one there. gets her caffeine fix from tea.)

Zyye: containment (she legit never misses a trick.)

Tricky: the entity. (often pretends to be a guard for the bit.)

Cloud: botany (has an entire garden all to himself, and usually doesn't leave it for weeks on end)

Ant: records (he's perfectly content tapping away at a keyboard in a little office cubicle)

Philomena: research (works in close contact with botany in an effort to create medicines and other treatments)

Aonani: botany (only here to grow and give out bouquets of flowers to anyone that will take them. also casually seeing Philomena)

Yoshie: engineering (mostly in charge of creating 'enrichment' for various SCPs. for instance, sewing a little stuffed rabbit for SCP-999 to hug if nobody's around, making a lil doggie bed for SCP-131, a cat tree for SCP-4966, and a set of soft yarns in various colors for SCP-2295 to use. basically, what i'm trying to say is that Yoshie is soft af)

@tazu group

andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) and Canarie: Containment. In an alternate universe, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) himself counts as an anomaly and Canarie keeps him contained, but they’re allowed to roam around free and contain even more SCPs. So basically they’re both thaumiels (scps used to contain other scps) lol
Iris: Security, but mostly hangs around at the records department and sometimes even the medical department to perform autopsies on victims
Jackie: Records and communications
Rin: Engineering, has Leo as her assistant in Maintenance so he can fetch her some materials
Krow: Medical, botany, and psychology. Also SCP-049 is one of the inspirations for him loool
Jose: O5. ██ ██████████ █████ ███ ██ ██████ ████

@trainwreck404 group

PSYCHOLOGY: Logan, Ava, Malcolm
MAINTENANCE: Julianna (but like. she's like that elementary school janitor that all the kids know, that's the vibe)
RECORDS: Simon, Adam
CONTAINMENT: Dean, Samantha, James
BOTANY: Asia, Henry, Madeline
RESEARCH: Faith, Jason, Marcus
SECURITY: Jack, Lucas, Noah
MEDICAL: Sarah, Payton