forum Hello! Critiques please?
Started by Opal in a Cave

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Opal in a Cave

Hi! Can you please critique my main character please? I'm sorry if somethings about her past and who she is in the story don't make sense, it is a unique idea. Thank you in advance. Here is the link Invalid Character

CC Heart

Crystal has medium tan.

Has a medium tan. Also, is her underlying pigmentation earth-tone (warm) or jewel-tone (cold)?
This is a good resource for skin tones in general:

Crystal is constantly practicing magic, believing if she becomes better at magic she will become a keeper. She also SENDS a lot of time daydreaming about becoming a keeper.

^Capitalization mine: Correct to 'spends'

Crystal is the youngest child in the Keeper family. She has four older siblings who are all keepers. Crystal longs to be a keeper, but there are only four openings and she has the weakest magic of all. What she doesn't know is that she's a late bloomer in magic and is actually the keeper of the most powerful artifact of all, the Prism of Life.

This sound potentially OP. "I thought I sucked but it turns out I'm the best of them all!" Unless having the Prism has drawbacks. But then, that's a first-blush assessment given based only on a template without examples of how the character is actually written.

Also, and this might be just me (it's probably just me), but it's EXTREMELY ANNOYING to read Crystal-Crystal-Crystal at the start of every single field when all I want is the actual base information.

Favorite animal
Crystal loves griffins.

Actual information I need at a glance: Griffins.

Crystal was born on June 24th.

Actual information I need: June 24th. Of course it's Crystal's birthday, that's the character I'm reading about.
Also, you mention 'Earth' as another planet, so does the Earth calendar even apply to her as far as age\date go? Does her planet not have its own calendar?