forum .+:Warriors RP (Always Open):+.
Started by MC_swag

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(Oh god. I haven't been on for forever I heard a FlameMist ship?)

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Flamekit was scared. W-what just happened?… He thought, his claw's digging int the ground. He looked at Mistkit and sighed. "Well… I don't know what part I play in this…I just bumped into you guy's when I was chased by a fox…" Flamelkit sighed. He looked at Mistkit and smiled, trying to comfert the she-kit. But he just wanted to comfert himself…


(So he knows about the prophecy now too, right? He woke up the same time as Vixenkit, so he should've heard it.)

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(I mean he knows. And he doens't really want to be in it. He Just joined them and had no intetion of beeing in a prophasy)


Mistkit gave Flamekit a small smile. She relaxed her muscles and leaned against him, twining her tail with his. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh. "We'll be okay, though. Even if it's just the two of us" She opened her eyes wide as she realized what she was doing. Mistkit pulled away from Flamekit, her pelt heating up in embarrassment. "Uh…s-sorry."

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Flamekit looked in embarresment. "N-no problom!" He awkwordly smiled and laughed. He sighed. "I'll…I'll be in the den if you need me…" The black and white kit turned around and entered the the den. He layed down and tucked his tail to the side. He couldn't go to sleep because the kit's were all seporated…He was worryed.

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(A quick heads up. Don't be on Saturday. You can control Flamekit while I'm gone.)


Mistkit looked up at the starlit sky for a moment, then padded inside and laid next to Flamekit. She glanced around at anything but the black and white tom, then took a breath, and twined her tail with his again. She held her breath and looked at the ground nervously, expecting him to pull away, but hoping he wouldn't.


Vixenkit ran and ran. Ran until she found a good enough spot to lie down. She curled up under some brambles and reluctantly fell asleep.

She opened her eyes to empty space. Empty, dark space. "Pollendust! Violetmask!" She called. The space in front of her seemed to bend as a thin grey tom padded up to her.

"Alright, alright!" He said, shaking his head, "You don't have to shout." He looked like he hadn't slept in moons, then again, he probably hadn't. "What'chu lookin' for Pollen for?" He tilted his head on its side and it made a horrible click sound, Vixenkit figured he did it on purpose.

"He was right. They did lie. But so did he. I want to yell at him about it." Vixenkit said, swaying her tail impatiently.

"Sounds fair." The cat purred, the scar down his throat standing out in the reddish light of the space. "I can't exactly go get 'im though, he doesn't want to talk to anyone, 'specially not me. Heh heh."

Vixenkit stared at him, deadpan. "What?" He clicked his neck again, "You want advice, right? I'd offer you mine but it wouldn't be much help in your current situation."

"I'm going to wake up now, okay Violetmask." Vixenkit said.

"Alright, I'll give you some advice anyway!" The tom said, blinking. "I'd stay with 'em, figure out exactly what StarClan told' em. Then you can pass on the message to us." He turned to walk away, "I'll tell Pollen you were here. Bye Vixen."

The world jolted and Vixenkit sat up, awake.

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( Cracks the window open and jumps in I is back)