forum The ultimate group chat
Started by @Consider-PB_and_the_Jellies

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@probablypolnareff language

Harper: Yeah, I think we can all tell that this is a group chat, but I'm just curious as to why the hell I'm here, of all people. I still have a mafia to take over.
Zen: Take a break from trying to overthrow the Boss and just chill. We don't have much else to do, anyway.
Harper: I thought I told you to shut up.
Zen: Yes, you did, but will I listen? No.

@probablypolnareff language

Harper: I already have enough gang members, and they're all idiots. If you can prove you aren't like these other fools then I might consider letting you help, but as of now, no, you can't help.
Zen: Okay, rude
Nuko: What about me, am I an idiot too
Quinn: I'm not an idiot am I?
Hime: :(
Yasuho: Yeah, Zen's right, that was rude
Kiko: I may be an idiot but at least I'm a proud idiot
Zepp: Could you guys like
Zepp: Not spam the chat
Amber: You're technically spamming too
Zepp: FUCK
Jay: I do not consider myself an idiot, so Harper is being very contradictory right now
Jin: I'm not an idiot, I swear-
Haru: Zen what does contra-whatever-the-heck-that-guy-just-said mean
Zen: I'll explain it to you when we play Fall Guys
Harper: I apparently just got all of Team Atlas' attention just by calling them idiots. The things I do for world domination

@squiddicus language

Ivy: you wouldn't get away with calling me an idiot
Liv: Ivy, maybe you could try being nice to these people? You have only just met them, you know
Ivy: whatever. harper, my friends are idiots too, i understand your pain
Ivy: except for you alice. you're the only decent one around here
Liv: What about Jordan😏?
Ivy: Shut up now if you value your ability to think coherently

@probablypolnareff language

Harper: Ah, finally, someone who understands the trouble of having dumbasses in place of actual friends.
Haru: Oi Zen did I hear that correctly did Harper just call us dumbasses
Zen: Unfortunately, yes
Jay: Harper does have a point
Amber: Stfu Jay he called you a dumbass too
Jay: Wait… He WHAT

@squiddicus language

Liv: May I please clarify that we are not dumbasses either?
Ivy: wdym yes you are
Ivy: the other day you literally asked me if i would like to 'play chess'

@probablypolnareff language

Harper: I barely know you Ivy but I'm kinda liking the vibes you give off
Jin: Uh Harper
Harper: What
Jin: You might wanna get back to Atlas HQ
Harper; What why
Jin: Anti is trying to eat Zepp's cat
Harper: AGAIN? Fan-fucking-tastic.
JIn: I'll take over for now, don't worry
Harper: Thanks, Jin. You're very reliable
Jin: As you tell me every single moment of every living day

@squiddicus language

Ivy: i had a cat once. it got ran over
Alice: Oh no, that's terrible! Were you OK?
Ivy: nope but i got over it
Ivy: you get over everything eventually. like when your bff gets killed by an evil poison lady
Liv: Ivy, are you sure you don't want to talk about it?
Ivy: yep. look the mood on the chat just died too

@probablypolnareff language

Jin: At least you managed to move past it
Harper: I'm here what's happening am I late
Jin: This isn't Harper is it
Harper: Not it's Anti. I stole Harper's phone
Jin: Thought so
Jin: Did you stop trying to eat Zepp's cat?
Harper: I have it in my mouth
Harper: Fine…
Jin: Thank god
Jin: Now give Harper his phone back
Harper: Okay okay fine

@probablypolnareff language

Harper: Yes
Jin: Way too often if you ask me
Anti: I'm just hungry geez
Harper: Shut up, you sorry excuse for an alien
Jin: Woah Harper that's a bit harsh
Harper: Not as harsh as the impact of my fist eventually slamming into Anti's face
Haru: Haha veiled threat
Harper: Fucking watch me
Anti: Oh no

@squiddicus language

Ivy: if youre hungry i think biscuits are excellent
Liv: Oh god no Ivy please don't start
Ivy: i will do what i like olivia
Bella: nooooooooooooooooooo
Isla: All you others better watch out, once Ivy gets started on biscuits she never stops.
Alice: They are nice though, right?
Ivy: i am biscuit overlord mehehehehe

@probablypolnareff language

Anti: What's a biscuit
Jin: Oh god here it comes
Harper: We are NOT going through this spiel again
Anti: But I wanna know what these "biscuit" things are
Harper: You apparently have a phone, so just fucking look it up

@squiddicus language

Liv: Calm down, Ivy, we don't know these people, so we probably shouldn't shout at them…
Isla: Why is it that you only use long words when you're angry?

@squiddicus language

Ivy: AWESOME. I wish to be an alien
Liv: isn't the fact that we were all born with powers because of particles in our blood enough for you?
Ivy: frankly no

@probablypolnareff language

Harper: Anti's not the only one with interesting stuff going on
Jin: Don't tell me you're gonna start going on and on about how you can rewind and stop time
Harper: You shut your mouth