forum The others were great, but third time's the charm! (Character Chat)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 38 followers

Deleted user

"The problem is that a Ruble is 15 cents in the US, miss. You're asking for 15 bucks!"

Deleted user

He was still laughing. "You're going on a life threatening mission for gas money."

Deleted user

((He's about to go into that mode that he did with Alex, just not caring about anything she does to annoy her

Deleted user

He simply rubbed it off his shirt before he got set on fire, smiling.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Glove sighed and stretched out her one arm. A faint creaking sound was heard with the movement. She sighed again and rubbed it, muttering something under her breath.

@Pickles group

"So the stick. Did it come with the magic or did you do that?" ((Yeah stick. Because I couldn't think of the word and I don't want to fix it now that I remember

@ElderGod-kirky group

She frowned at her arm again while answering curtly. "I bought it. Another found it, give it to vender." She waved a hand at the forest. "Found here. Must be temple near."

Deleted user

"The person messing with Roswell could be in there."