forum The Depressed Ones // Bring your most depressed characters !
Started by @saor_illust school

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@d-r-e-a-m-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e group

well im here cause my step cousin made this and put me in it thinking it would be better for me to "make some friends" or something idk
technically my account is the creator of this chat lmao
ya boy has bpd, adhd, anxiety, and depression
how about the rest of you


Narrator gave me the thing with the chat on and told me I needed friends other than him
Also yes b e e s
I like bees and when I'm excited my typing is weird

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

they say they're all about 'justice' and all then turn around and kill innocent people while trying to catch pirates like us
tbh at this point most of em are just annoying, but the guy on the island was stronger than we thought and Nami didn't want to draw attention to us
my grandpa's one of them, too, but it's been like 2 years since I've seen him


Oh, sorry
Enforcers make sure that everyone follows Fi- Firrin's rules
They aren't good rules
He made sure all my friends were exiled or- or killed


Oh dear
I wonder if Narrator could get me across to you
Not that that would help unless he came too
Cause you wouldn't be able to see me
Or hear me