forum The Depressed Ones // Bring your most depressed characters !
Started by @saor_illust school

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(if it's a new character, don't forget a form)
Name: Tags
Age: 24
Why they're depressed: He was murdered by one of his advisers and was turned into a ghost that no one can hear or see except Narrator (because he's basically a god at this point). He has to watch as his kingdom falls apart.
Universe: Currently unnamed

Deleted user

Name: Caleb Stone
Age: 16
Why they're depressed: He's just been lonely for all his life, All his friends have abandoned him and he always get's bullyed. He finds that this chat log is the only thing keeping him sain.
Universe: The ghost in the Cabin

Deleted user

Hello there..
I guess I'm here. With other people
My name's Caleb. Nice to meet ya'll..