forum a group chat for literally any character ever but since there's so many different universes colliding it's just pure chaos (always open)
Started by @requiemisback language

people_alt 81 followers

@squiddicus language

Liv is typing…

Liv: I always find it quite easy making people happy. All you need to do is be happy yourself and keep smiling, and that usually makes other people smile too!
Liv: But…if that doesn't work, you could always bake them cookies!


ShadowArctic is typing…

ShadowArctic: Let me drag Vix back.

ShadowArctic added VixenArctic to the chat

VixenArctic is typing…

VixenArctic: Shadow whyyyyyyy.


Bubblegum_Bun: Hi.

Bubblegum_Bun: Wait.

WildChild: ?

Bubblegum_Bun: MY FUCKING NAME


PirateGremlin: BUNNY BOYYYYY

Bubblegum_Bun: Be right back, about to murder some children.

@requiemisback language

Kamal_ is typing…

Kamal_: Yeah uh about that happiness bit, I wish it were that easy but
Kamal_: More or less, Habit's idea of happiness is laughing gas
Kamal_: You didn't hear that from me though

@squiddicus language

Liv is typing…

Liv: Between Bubblegum_Bun and their child-murdering, and this whole laughing gas thing, I'm becoming very concerned about the people on this group chat.


WildChild: oh dont worry about legend hes probably just gonna go yell and sulk

PirateGremlin: well be fine haha

WildChild: OH we should probably introduce ourselves? im wild and thats wind, bun is legend


WildChild: oh cool! wind and leg and i are travelling with a bunch of other guys and were all basically like the same person just reborn?? i think?? shits crazy only like two of us have any common sense at all

Bubblegum_Bun: I see Wild has decided to tell random strangers our secrets.

WildChild: yeah pretty much welcome back

@requiemisback language

Kamal_ is typing…

Kamal_: I'm gonna be honest here
Kamal_: In the span of things, I wonder how many times I'm gonna introduce myself here
Kamal_: Then again I guess I don't have to because my username is literally my name
Kamal_: Thank god for that I suppose

@requiemisback language

Kamal_ is typing…

Kamal_: I wish I could say it's going good
Kamal_: But I have been up all night
Kamal_: Listening to Habit ramble on and on about god knows what
Kamal_: But I'm otherwise doing pretty okay I guess


WildChild: hyrule got into my cooking stuff
WildChild: 0 out of 10 would not recommend
PirateGremlin: h o t h a m w a t e r
Bubblegum_Bun: It was better than last time, he's trying to learn.
WildChild: true last time was awful

@requiemisback language

Kamal_ is typing…

Kamal_: Oh my
Kamal_: Well, that's interesting
Kamal_: Also, I'm gonna go for a bit. I would continue chatting but Tim Tam decided to steal my toothbrush, and I have to go find it

@requiemisback language

Kamal_ is typing…
theofficialdrhabit is typing…

Kamal_: It really has been a while huh
Kamal_: Well, I'm good.
theofficialdrhabit: henlo everyone!! like kamal said, it realley HAS breen ay while huh??
theofficialdrhabit: weil anyways, ie've breen doineng just great!! :-)


WildChild: nice! weve been doing a lot of traveling haha
Bubblegum_Bun: Yesterday was a good day. Wild fell off of a horse.
WildChild: yeaaah i did haha but im okay! didnt even break anything this time!

@requiemisback language

Kamal_ is typing…

Kamal_: Well at least nothing broke
Kamal_: But that "this time" bit makes it seem like you have broken something before
Kamal_: I could be overthinking it though
Kamal_: I'm very good at that after all