forum the long way to a small angry planet
Started by @squiddicus language

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ah makes sense! currently my next book to read is called "A Canticle for Leibowitz". it's one of my cousin's favorite books so i wanna read it before i go visit them next week

At the mo I'm reading Once And Future, which seems to be in the same vein of queer sci-fi as the other books on this thread actually! I'm only like, a chapter in so far but from what I've heard, it's a queer retelling of Arthurian legend IN SPACE with a very cool female protagonist.

Omg i LOVED once and future!! it's so good

Aaaaa I can't wait to read it all now

Merlin is my favorite character, I think

@GoodThingGoing group

@MerrilyWeRollAlong I don't think I've heard of Giovanni's Room, what's it about?

It's by James Baldwin and it's about the doomed relationship between two men in 1950s Paris. Gorgeous, gorgeous prose. I almost cried tbh.

@squiddicus language

ah makes sense! currently my next book to read is called "A Canticle for Leibowitz". it's one of my cousin's favorite books so i wanna read it before i go visit them next week

At the mo I'm reading Once And Future, which seems to be in the same vein of queer sci-fi as the other books on this thread actually! I'm only like, a chapter in so far but from what I've heard, it's a queer retelling of Arthurian legend IN SPACE with a very cool female protagonist.

I just realised I've been around people who don't read for way too long, I default to assuming people have never heard of the book I'm about to recommend lmao

@squiddicus language

I was helping my friend sort out his book collection yesterday and he ended up getting rid of like…all of them. Reminded me that most people don't obsessively hoard a ton of books.

@GoodThingGoing group

I was helping my friend sort out his book collection yesterday and he ended up getting rid of like…all of them. Reminded me that most people don't obsessively hoard a ton of books.

I cringed just imagining doing that…I have so many lol and I will be keeping them