forum Notebook Book Club!
Started by @SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

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@Serpentess health_and_safety language

did you guys know Stephen King also co wrote with Richard Bachman, a friend of his, whom he published the works if once Richard died, or finished them if they werent done, those books are good as well.

I did not know that. That’s pretty cool.


yes, though some say Richard was actually Stephen king but an alias, im not sure if its true or not.
But my dad told me about Richard Bachman and honestly the books are as good as Stephen King, I recommend— if you like fantasy, science fiction and horror, then read The Regulators, if you like angst realistic fiction, then read his book Blaze.

@Space group

yes, though some say Richard was actually Stephen king but an alias, im not sure if its true or not.
But my dad told me about Richard Bachman and honestly the books are as good as Stephen King, I recommend— if you like fantasy, science fiction and horror, then read The Regulators, if you like angst realistic fiction, then read his book Blaze.

Oh I believe it is actually a pen name after referring to google :/

@Space group

At the beginning of Stephen King's career, the limit was that authors could only publish one book a year, or else it would glut the market and would be unacceptable to the public. So King could publish more, he started writing under another name, Richard Bachman.

@Space group

What about book series you guys read in the past (preteen?) and really loved? Would you revisit any of them?
There are so many books I remember reading as a child that I adored but I'm too afraid to revisit them because I know I'll just find everything wrong and hate it.
Here's some I enjoyed:
Land of Elyon by Patrick Carmen (Little me had an OBSESSION with this series)
Cinder (Lunar Chronicles) by Marissa Meyer
The Misadventures of Maude March by Audrey Couloumbis
The Knife of Never Letting Go (Chaos Walking Series) By Patrick Ness

@Space group

Over break a while back I wanted to check out some YA novels at my nearby library to just chill with for some light reading BUT LEMME TELL YOU I got way too invested and found a book that I was obsessed with.
(One sec gotta remember what it was… the cover had a person with flowers and ants coming out of them…..)
HOUSE OF HOLLOW BY Krystal Sutherland
It was a dark and twisted story and I loved every page of it. The ending was just… WOW. 10/10 would recommend. I know it's not as big as a read of what most of you like but holy crap it was so good.
"The House of Hollow is a unique folk horror story that deals with nature, death, beauty, and decay. "

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

I’m an avid reader so it’s tricky to remember all that I’ve read, let alone when, lol. And I love revisiting books, so yeah. To me, it’s kind of like meeting an old friend after years of being apart.


Warriors saga and Seekers saga by Erin Hunter (I actually only read a couple books from Seekers. It was actually pretty good)

The Last Dragon Chronicles by Chris d’Lacey. (Really neat series. I honestly lost track of it and can’t remember what book I had stopped on)

I’ve read a few Andre Norton books, but I can’t remember their names. I think one was Breed To Come (humans leave a polluted Earth behind and cats evolve into a humanoid race, then the humans return. Pretty good, dark undertones).

Clive Cussler’s Dirk Pitt saga, NUMA Files series (haven’t read all of it), and Oregon Files.
—(All realistic fiction, all very good, basically modern day nautical adventures with a lot of awesome old cars. Dirk Pitt [who I adore] is actually a loose representation of Clive Cussler himself, and his saga is supposed to be a loose biography. Dirk Cussler, Clive’s son, I think took over his books after he died)
—(I will say this though. The Dirk Pitt and Oregon Files sagas are connected, so I would read the Dirk Pitt saga first. It will give context on the main character of the Oregon Files, and basically explain how they first meet. Now, you don’t have to read it like that [I honestly started with Oregon Files], but Dirk does occasionally get involved in the Oregon Files and it can be a little confusing initially without the context)

Brandon Sanderson’s Stormlight Archives. (I listened to the audiobook of Book I, and read halfway through Book 2 before life got chaotic. Really good, huge books, but I’m thinking of restarting so that I can remember all that happened)

Naomi Novik’s Temeraire series. (Napoleonic Wars with dragons. Book I is awesome, but I’m stuck on Book 2 because it’s a bit on the boring side, sad face)


I can probably think up more later, lol. Sorry for the length of the post.


books I plan on revisiting once I move out and can buy my own books

  • the entire series of Harry Potter
  • the Percy Jackson series
  • Dr. Seuss books
  • The Junie B. Jones series


The Last Dragon Chronicles by Chris d’Lacey. (Really neat series. I honestly lost track of it and can’t remember what book I had stopped on)