forum ✍️Expressions Challenge!!😃
Started by @4lagoon4 group

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some of you guys have the coolest are style and I am HERE FOR IT

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I think I'll do this, I have a three hour car drive so I might as well.


(hey @Tired-but-passionate those hands are honestly top tier?? please teach me your ways haha)

Dude I just wing it most of the time :’) Honestly Crow’s hand was giving me so much trouble. I kinda wish I’d looked for a better reference or even looked at myself in the mirror haha. But thanks for the compliment!

@4lagoon4 group

Impatience coming at ya!

I thought it would be fun to draw him at a different angle; so I challenged myself!💪 (But even while looking at references I still
messed up ε-(˘ε˘; ))

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@4lagoon4 eek my art isn't really that good lol
But I did make my drama academy (like after school drama classes) teacher almost cry because I drew one of his photos (he is a photographer)

@4lagoon4 group

@Iron_Soldier_Is_Working_Through_Somethin Oh! Your art doesn’t have to be “Out of this world fantastic!” to join this challenge.XD All skill levels are welcomed, so please don’t feel your work isn’t good enough.👏 (and Aww, that’s so sweet to hear ;_;)

@ninja_violinist Thank you so much! (It wasn’t easy 😂)


I know it's not the next day yet, but….

A little extra.