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Shadow of Zandur

Shadow of Zandur close

The ruins of a tower that reminds all who see it of the wickedness of its former ruler. As the castle around the tower turns to rubble the tower itself stands tall imposing its shadow onto the land.

last updated 7 months ago

Stone Hill

Stone Hill close

A piece of hill covered in cracked granite stairs and pavements, nature has slowly reclaimed the neglected structure. Atop the hill is a fountain which springs no water, except for when it rains. Statues of angels and cherubs are sculpted into the fountain, they show signs of erosion and parts of the statue have broken off.

last updated 11 months ago

The Giant's Corpse

The Giant's Corpse close

The remains of a broken stone statue that towered over any structure made by Bosh today.

The only remains of this colossal statue are two feet that stand where the statue once did, three fingers that poke out of the earth, and the broken up chunks of its head.

The landmark has become a common spot for travelers to stop and rest in the cover of its ruins.

last updated 8 months ago

The Last Tree of Kanor

The Last Tree of Kanor close

An old oak tree that thrives in the middle of a vast rocky grasslands with no other tree for miles.

It is the only tree from the Kanor forest to survive the massive wildfire that ravaged the land. Since then though it has grown quite large, making it a significant landmark for anyone traveling through The Lonely Grove . The tree is watched over by a host of wood elves who remind those who would harm the tree...

last updated 4 months ago