group Characters by person lily

Ash Beaumont

Ash Beaumont close

last updated about 3 years ago

Caleb Clark

Caleb Clark close

last updated about 3 years ago

Emmeline Wilson

Emmeline Wilson close

One of those chosen to save the world from Nightmare

last updated about 3 years ago


GalaxyUnicorn close

I decided to make a character thing for myself

last updated about 4 years ago


Izzy close

my baby

last updated about 4 years ago

Kamaria Moonsong

Kamaria Moonsong close

Acts as a leader on the quest

last updated about 3 years ago

Liam Eir

Liam Eir close

Healer and protector

last updated about 3 years ago

Lia Tatum Brooks

Lia Tatum Brooks close

Emmelinia’s most skilled painter and local hug dealer

last updated about 3 years ago


Libby close

minor character

last updated about 3 years ago


Nathan close

minor character

last updated about 3 years ago


Theo close

minor character; kidnapped by Nightmare

last updated about 3 years ago


Thomas close

minor character

last updated about 3 years ago