bubble_chart Conditions by person SapphireMoondancer

Advanced Gathlain Magic

Advanced Gathlain Magic close


last updated 3 months ago

Always Angry

Always Angry close


last updated 3 months ago

Amber Sun

Amber Sun close


last updated 4 days ago


Animal close


last updated 6 months ago

Animal Call

Animal Call close

You've learnt how to replicate a number of animal calls native to wildness environments. You can use your Bluff skill to mimic the calls of animals native to that terrain.

last updated 4 months ago

Animal Disguise

Animal Disguise close

With a little work, you can convincingly disguise yourself as an animal.

last updated 6 months ago

Animal Ferocity

Animal Ferocity close

When cornered and wounded, you fight like a feral beast.

last updated 6 months ago

Aquatic Spell

Aquatic Spell close

You can cast your spells underwater or into water with little difficulty.

last updated 3 months ago

Beastmaster Salvation

Beastmaster Salvation close

Your presence grants your companion the toughness and will to resist all manner of threats.

last updated 2 months ago

Bestial Flyer

Bestial Flyer close

While raging, the barbarian's fly speed increases by 10 feet and their maneuverability improves by one category. A barbarian must have a fly speed before raging, have the raging flyer power, and be at least 6th level to choose this rage power.

last updated 4 months ago

Bitter Pill

Bitter Pill close

The alchemist becomes bitter in flavor. Any creature that hits the bitter alchemist with a bite attack gains the sickened condition for 1 turn.

last updated 4 months ago

Blistercap Spore

Blistercap Spore close


last updated 6 months ago

Bloaty Belly

Bloaty Belly close


last updated 5 months ago

Bolstered Resilience

Bolstered Resilience close


last updated 28 days ago

Branch Pounce

Branch Pounce close

You are adept at exploiting higher ground to its greatest advantage in battle, and can leap from above to deal incredible damage to your foes.

last updated about 2 months ago

Breath of the Mantis God

Breath of the Mantis God close

Breath of the mantis god is just one tool they’ve crafted to assure such ends. This toxin is made only by Red Mantis assassins to ensure a target’s death, and the Red Mantis often task initiates with administering it to victims before their assassination.

last updated 23 days ago

Bristling Bull Rush

Bristling Bull Rush close

You deal damage to opponents when bull rushing them through difficult terrain, using the environment itself to harm your targets.

last updated 8 months ago

Bristling Drag

Bristling Drag close

You deal damage to opponents when dragging them through difficult terrain.

last updated about 2 months ago

Burning Renewal

Burning Renewal close

At 12th level, a flamewarden can use the cleansing power of fire to remove afflictions from their body, mind, and soul. When the flamewarden takes 5 or more points of fire damage, he can remove one of the following conditions: fatigued, shaken, or sickened.

last updated 4 months ago

Camouflage Trap

Camouflage Trap close

You excel at hiding your traps in the wilderness, making them more difficult for your enemies to locate and avoid.

last updated 17 days ago

Choose One

Choose One close


last updated about 2 months ago

Climbing Vine

Climbing Vine close

You can climb like a vine.

last updated 28 days ago


Clumsy close


last updated about 2 months ago

Coding Errors

Coding Errors close

Error can use the coding ability after years and years of observing coders across the multiverse. Eventually he gained the power to alter the codes of an AU, or a character depends on how much knowledge he has of them. He can revive dead beings once he gained their code information and use them as a mean of getting what he wants. This power is still weaker than an Overwrite since Error is not a creator, and he sti...

last updated 4 months ago

Contagious Rage

Contagious Rage close

The barbarian howls during combat, agitating nearby fauna. Willing animals and magical beasts within 30 feet of the barbarian gain the benefits of the rage spell for as long as they maintain their rage. After the barbarian's rage ends, creatures affected by their rage are fatigued for the same number of rounds as the barbarian. A barbarian must be at least 6th level to choose this rage power.

last updated about 1 month ago


Corruption close

A disease of the mind that can destroy the strongest Energy Being.

last updated 3 months ago

Cover Tracks

Cover Tracks close

You are very difficult to follow in the wild, leaving few tracks in your wake.

last updated 17 days ago

Crashing Wave Buffet

Crashing Wave Buffet close

You disorient your opponents by pushing and pounding them mercilessly, just like how the sea beats relentlessly against the rocks.

last updated 4 months ago


Cruel close

last updated about 2 months ago

Cultivate Magic Plants

Cultivate Magic Plants close

You combine a natural green thumb and knowledge of magic in order to grow magic plant.

last updated 7 months ago

Darkvision 120ft.

Darkvision 120ft. close


last updated 10 days ago

Deep Diver

Deep Diver close

You are accustomed to diving deeper than most would dare swim and can do so with less risk of drowning than even other experienced swimmers.

last updated 3 months ago

Desert Dweller

Desert Dweller close

The endless sands and waterless wastes are your home, and neither the heat nor dehydration presents as lethal of a threat to you as it does to other travelers.

last updated about 1 month ago


Diehard close


last updated about 1 month ago

Dissipating Rage

Dissipating Rage close

When the barbarian rages, their feverish frenzy and hot breath burn or blow fog, smoke and similar effects away from them. The barbarian and creatures adjacent to her do not gain concealment from obfuscating effects like fog or precipitation. Magical effects that require more than a strong wind to dissipate are not affected by this rage power.

last updated 3 months ago

Dragon Greed

Dragon Greed close

last updated 26 days ago

Draughtcap Fungus

Draughtcap Fungus close


last updated 11 months ago


Drown close


last updated 6 months ago

Drunken Dancer

Drunken Dancer close

At 2nd level, while maintaining a raging song, a bacchanal can consume a berry affected by goodberry, a potion, or a serving of alcohol as a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. A berry affected by goodberry or a potion has its normal effect, while an alcoholic drink or a berry affected by goodberry via Fermented Fruit allows the skald to maintain their raging song that round without expend...

last updated 4 months ago

Ear Seekers

Ear Seekers close

Ear seekers are tiny, pale-colored worms that dwell in rotting wood or other organic detritus. They can be noticed with a DC 15 Perception check. Otherwise, a living creature poking about their lair inadvertently transfers one or more ear seekers to its body.

last updated 11 months ago

Earth Magic

Earth Magic close

You can draw raw magical energy from the ground to empower your spells.

last updated 4 months ago

Eclipsing Rage

Eclipsing Rage close

While the barbarian is raging, the light level within 10 feet of them lowers by one step. They can't decrease the light level below normal darkness with this ability. Multiple barbarians with this rage power don't further reduce the light level. A barbarian must be at least 6th level to choose this rage power.

last updated 3 months ago

Enhanced Gnome Magic

Enhanced Gnome Magic close

Your ties to the First World manifest in the form of magical abilities that tap into a natural element.

last updated 4 months ago

Entranced By Music

Entranced By Music close


last updated 8 months ago

Exotic Heritage

Exotic Heritage close

Your blood carries hints of an extraplanar ancestor, granting you a talent for a certain skill.

last updated 4 months ago

Expert Cartographer

Expert Cartographer close

You are skilled at drawing quality maps, making your cartographic works both more useful and more valuable when sold.

last updated 4 months ago

Expert Explorer

Expert Explorer close

You are trained to seek out the unknown places of the wild and can explore more efficiently than your untrained rivals.

last updated 10 months ago

Extended Animal Focus

Extended Animal Focus close

You can assume the aspects of an animal for longer stretches of time than most of your rivals and allies.

last updated 4 days ago

Extended Aspects

Extended Aspects close

You can invoke your aspect's minor form longer than most.

last updated 5 days ago

Fear: Fire

Fear: Fire close


last updated about 2 months ago

Fermented Fruit

Fermented Fruit close

A bacchanal adds goodberry to their list of 1st-level skald spells known. In addition, he can cast it as a spell-like ability once per day. When they cast goodberry as a spell or spell-like ability, the targeted berries ferment; this causes each berry to act as a serving of an alcoholic beverage. A creature that eats a fermented berry does not gain a meal's nourishment, but it is cured of 1 point of damage and bec...

last updated 4 months ago


Fey-Guarded close

You have trained your mind to resist fey magic - both that cast by fey creatures and that cast by other denizens of the First World.

last updated 6 months ago

Fey Performance

Fey Performance close

The wind, trees, earth, and local wildlife join in on your bardic performances.

last updated 6 months ago


Flighty close

Some gathlains are too easily distracted to miss anything going on around them. They gain Perception as a class skill and gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against patterns and effects that cause the fascinated condition. This replaces natural armor.

last updated 8 months ago

Flinging Charge

Flinging Charge close

You hurl a weapon during your charge before drawing a new one to strike, enabling you to make another attack at the expense of the latter attack's accuracy.

last updated 27 days ago

Foebane Magic

Foebane Magic close

The spells you cast are particularly effective against your favored enemies.

last updated 26 days ago

Gasping Breath Aura

Gasping Breath Aura close

A creature attempting to hold its breath within 30 feet of a flood walker is treated as having taken a standard or full-round action when determining how long it can hold its breath, regardless of the number and type of actions it takes in a round. At 5th level, increase the DC of Swim checks attempted within 30 feet of the flood walker by 5, and creatures activity use air twice as quickly within the aura. The flo...

last updated 6 months ago

Goblin's Eye

Goblin's Eye close


last updated 3 months ago

Greater Eclipsing Rage

Greater Eclipsing Rage close

Whenever the barbarian rages, the light level within 20 feet of her lowers by two steps instead of one. They still can't decrease the light level below normal darkness with this ability. A barbarian must be at least 10th level and have the eclipsing rage power to choose this rage power.

last updated 3 months ago

Greater Gathlain Magic

Greater Gathlain Magic close


last updated 5 months ago

Greater Hunter's Bond

Greater Hunter's Bond close

Your allies can target additional foes.

last updated 5 months ago

Great Fortitude

Great Fortitude close


last updated 9 days ago

Green Tongue

Green Tongue close

You know the language of the plants.

last updated 4 days ago

Grounding Goo

Grounding Goo close

The alchemist's bomb applies a sticky residue after any damage from the bomb is resolved.

last updated 4 months ago

Group Shared Spells

Group Shared Spells close

You and your allies can cast spells through each other's familiars as if they were your own.

last updated 10 days ago

Harder They Fall

Harder They Fall close

You can work with an ally to move or knock over a foe that's too large for either of you to overcome alone.

last updated about 1 month ago

Hypnotic Aroma

Hypnotic Aroma close

As a swift action, an aromaphile can use unique aspects of ghoran biology to release intoxicating aromas in a 10-foot-radius burst centered on them.

last updated 6 months ago

Improved Beast Hunter

Improved Beast Hunter close

You are well trained in stalking and hunting the animals of the wild.

last updated 3 months ago

Improved Spring Attack

Improved Spring Attack close

You dart through the press of battle like a breeze, assaulting foes as you pass.

last updated 8 months ago

Indomitable Mountain Avalanche

Indomitable Mountain Avalanche close

You are an impassable mountain, hurling your enemies back.

last updated 2 months ago

Indomitable Mountain Peak

Indomitable Mountain Peak close

You become more difficult to move or pass, an elusive peak your enemies cannot surmount.

last updated 12 days ago

Indomitable Mountain Style

Indomitable Mountain Style close

Like a rugged mountain, you are impassable and unmovable.

last updated about 1 year ago

Inner Light

Inner Light close

Some ghorans glow with a nurturing inner light.

last updated 3 months ago

Intense Curiosity

Intense Curiosity close

Some gathlains habitually fixate on someone or something nearby and examine its every detail. when taking 20 on the check, they gain a +4 racial bonus on Perception and survival checks to find and follow tracks and to predict the weather. This replaces spell-like abilities.

last updated 3 months ago

In the Wind

In the Wind close

At 9th level, the climb and fly speeds of forms the aerie protector assumes with their wild shape ability (if any) increase by 10 feet. The maneuverability of their flying forms improvers by one category. This replaces venom immunity.

last updated about 2 months ago

Intimidate Animals

Intimidate Animals close

You are skilled at intimidating animals with your bluster and fury.

last updated 5 months ago

Jackalroot Essence

Jackalroot Essence close


last updated 3 months ago

Jaguar Pounce

Jaguar Pounce close

Your ambushes are especially lethal.

last updated 2 months ago


Jealousy close

last updated 3 months ago

Leshy Swarm

Leshy Swarm close

Flora Magic

last updated 14 days ago

Live Off The Land

Live Off The Land close

You can easily pluck what you need from nature's bounty as you travel.

last updated 15 days ago

Lizard Stride

Lizard Stride close

When the barbarian makes a charge or run action while raging, they can move across the surface of water without sinking. They sink immediately if they end their turn standing on water.

last updated 8 months ago

Low-Light Vision

Low-Light Vision close

last updated 10 months ago


Mania close

Mania, also known as manic syndrome, is a mental and behavioral disorder defined as a state of abnormally elevated arousal, affect, and energy level, or "a state of heightened overall activation with enhanced affective expression together with lability of affect." During a manic episode, an individual will experience rapidly changing emotions and moods, highly influenced by surrounding stimuli. Although mania is o...

last updated 2 months ago

Meta Sense

Meta Sense close

Ink can sense the 4th wall as he is the guardian of creativity, meaning he inspire creators to create and such. But this also gave him a sense of knowledge of the creations the creators made, such as their powers, age, relationships, etc. This is only limited to the canon that the creators made however, further deviancy that deemed non-canon by the creators will not be sensed by him. For example, he can no longer ...

last updated about 1 month ago

Minor Addiction

Minor Addiction close


last updated 4 months ago

Moderate Addiction

Moderate Addiction close

Addiction is a biopsychosocial disorder characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite adverse consequences. A variety of complex neurobiological and psychosocial factors are implicated in the development of addiction, with the predominant paradigm among researchers in the United States being the Brain Disease model, though debate exists within the field over relative contribution of any given...

last updated about 2 months ago


Moontouched close

Moonlight has a strange effect on you, making your body stronger but your mind weaker.

last updated 3 months ago


Mountaineer close

You are thoroughly at home in the high peaks and precipices of alpine territory.

last updated about 2 months ago

Multiple Personality Disorder

Multiple Personality Disorder close


last updated 5 months ago

Mutated Shape

Mutated Shape close

Your wild shape form gains an additional appendage you can use to attack your foes.

last updated 29 days ago


Naive close


last updated 25 days ago

Natural Poison Harvester

Natural Poison Harvester close

You are exceedingly proficient at harvesting and distilling poison from venomous monsters.

last updated 11 days ago

Nature's Freedom

Nature's Freedom close

Creatures affected by your channel energy are not affected by difficult terrain.

last updated 2 days ago

Night Sky Hex

Night Sky Hex close

You use the mystical network of power that blazes in the night sky to empower your hexes.

last updated 5 months ago

Nymph's Lure

Nymph's Lure close


last updated about 2 months ago

Oaken Skin

Oaken Skin close

At 4th level, when entering a bloodrage, your skin thickens like bark, and you gain a +2-enhancement bonus to your natural armor. At 8th level and every 4 levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1.

last updated 3 months ago

One Eye Open

One Eye Open close

Your senses seek out threats even while you sleep.

last updated about 1 month ago

One With The Land

One With The Land close

Your connection your favored terrain is so intense that you draw strength from the power of nature itself.

last updated 6 months ago

Pack Rage

Pack Rage close

When a barbarian with this rage power enters a rage, any barbarian within 30 feet who also has this rage power can enter a rage. a barbarian that enters a rage outside of their turn spends 1 round of rage immediately and then spends another round of rage to maintain their rage at the beginning of their next turn. A barbarian must be at least 6th level to choose this rage power.

last updated about 2 months ago


Paranoia close

An intense, irrational, persistent instinct or thought process of fearful feelings and thoughts.

last updated 11 months ago


Pheromones close

The alchemist exudes an imperceptible musk that grants him a permanent +3 competence bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks.

last updated 7 months ago


Phobia close

Excessive, extreme, irrational, fear or panic reaction about a situation, living creature, place or object.

last updated about 1 month ago

Photosynthetic Healing

Photosynthetic Healing close

You can heal yourself using sunlight. You can temporarily draw energy from the sun to heal your wounds. Once per day while you are using change shape to assume a plant form, you can activate this ability as a free action to gain fast healing 1 for a number of rounds equal to your Hit Dice, as long as you are in an area of bright, natural sunlight. When you rest in plant form in bright, natural sunlight, you are he...

last updated 15 days ago

Poison Oak

Poison Oak close

Toxicodendron diversilobum, commonly named Pacific poison oak or western poison oak, is a woody vine or shrub in the sumac family, Anacardiaceae. It is widely distributed in western North America, inhabiting conifer and mixed broadleaf forests, woodlands, grasslands, and chaparral biomes. Peak flowering occurs in May. Like other members of the genus Toxicodendron, T. diversilobum causes itching and allergic rashes...

last updated 4 months ago

Power Attack

Power Attack close


last updated about 2 months ago


Proud close

last updated 3 months ago


Psychosis close

Psychosis is a mental health problem that causes people to perceive or interpret things differently from those around them. This might involve hallucinations or delusions.

last updated 5 months ago

Raging Vitality

Raging Vitality close


last updated about 1 month ago

Raging Whirlwind

Raging Whirlwind close

The barbarian can create a whirlwind with a powerful spinning move as an immediate action after they confirm a critical hit with a melee attack. The whirlwind circles the target of their melee attack, lifting it in the air slightly until the end of the barbarian's turn. The creature can attempt a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + half the barbarian's level + the barbarian's constitution modifier) to negate this effect. If...

last updated 3 months ago

Reactive Reversion

Reactive Reversion close

You can reactively change back to your natural form. You can shift from your alternate form to your natural form as an immediate action using change shape.

last updated 7 months ago


Rebellious close

last updated 15 days ago

Red Bedlam

Red Bedlam close


last updated 6 months ago

Rot Grubs

Rot Grubs close

Rot grubs are nauseating parasites that feed on flesh and nest in corpses. Generally, a handful of the grubs infest a single corpse at a time. A DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check is enough to notice and avoid the grubs.

last updated 3 months ago


Schizophrenia close


last updated 2 months ago

Secret Identity

Secret Identity close


last updated 3 months ago


Selfish close

last updated 25 days ago

Shifter's Rush

Shifter's Rush close

You can use you wild shape ability as you are moving toward your enemy.

last updated 7 months ago

Short Fuse

Short Fuse close


last updated about 1 month ago


Silence close


last updated 10 months ago

Sky and Stone

Sky and Stone close

At 2nd level, an aerie protector gains a bonus equal to half their level on Knowledge (geography) and Survival checks involving mountainous terrain or high altitudes, and they cannot be tracked in such an environment. This replaces woodland stride.

last updated about 1 month ago


Soullessness close

When someone literally has no SOUL.

last updated 11 days ago


Spines close


last updated about 1 month ago

Spring Rage

Spring Rage close

The barbarian's rage rejuvenates them physically and spiritually. While raging, they ignore penalties to their ability scores due to aging. They also ignore penalties from negative levels, though they retain any negative levels they have until they are removed normally. A barbarian can have only one season-themed rage power, choosing between spring, summer, autumn, or winter rage.

last updated 6 months ago


Sproutling close

You are able to sprout more quickly than most, though your body in underdeveloped.

last updated 3 months ago

Stoking the Embers

Stoking the Embers close

At 9th level, a flamewarden can fan the last spark of a recently slain creature's life force back into a full flame. Once per day as a standard action, a flamewarden can touch the corpse of a creature that has died within 1 round to grant it the effects of breath of life. This replaces evasion.

last updated 6 months ago

Summer Rage

Summer Rage close

The barbarian channels the heat of late summer, making the air around them hot and oppressive. A creature within the barbarian's reach becomes fatigued as long as it remains within the barbarian's reach unless it succeeds at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + half the barbarian's level + their Constitution modifier) to become immune for 24 hours. A barbarian can have only one season-themed rage power, choosing between sp...

last updated about 1 month ago

Superior Gathlain Magic

Superior Gathlain Magic close


last updated 6 months ago


Super-shy close

last updated 9 days ago


Swamper close

The soft ground and flowing reeds of fetid bogs and misty marshes are as comfortable to you as any sunny meadow would be for others.

last updated 2 months ago

Symbiotic Resilience

Symbiotic Resilience close

Your symbiotic vines have spread all throughout your body, granting you a lesser form of the immunities enjoyed by plant creatures.

last updated 9 days ago

Torrid Tolerance

Torrid Tolerance close

You relish hot climates, as the equatorial heat does not sap your strength.

last updated about 6 hours ago

Totemic Disciple

Totemic Disciple close

Your understanding of your barbaric totem flourishes as your combat prowess grows.

last updated 6 months ago

Totemic Initiate

Totemic Initiate close

You were born to or have lived among the barbarian tribes of the wild and passed the trails of their sacred totems.

last updated 14 days ago


Toughness close

last updated 3 months ago

Tree Leaper

Tree Leaper close

You use the flexibility of tree branches to aid in making arboreal leaps.

last updated 4 days ago

Tribal Hunter

Tribal Hunter close

From watching pack animals hunt, you learned to take down large prey as part of a group.

last updated about 2 months ago

Verdant Growth

Verdant Growth close

At 1st level, you gain fast healing 1 while bloodraging. Your fast healing increases by 1 at 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter, to a maximum of fast healing 6 at 19th level. If you have a bloodrager class feature that also grants you fast healing (such as the spelleater's blood of life class feature), you can stack up to half of your fast healing from such abilities with the fast healing gained from this abi...

last updated 4 months ago

Vigilant Charger

Vigilant Charger close

You can ready yourself to spring an attack against your enemies at a moment's notice.

last updated 7 months ago

Violet Venom

Violet Venom close

last updated 3 months ago

Voice Of Beasts

Voice Of Beasts close

Your deep connection with nature allows you to speak with all manner of living creatures.

last updated 25 days ago

Waterway Caster

Waterway Caster close

You've learned to cast spells while on a watercraft or even while swimming in turbulent waters.

last updated 2 months ago


Weak close


last updated 4 months ago

Wild Empathy

Wild Empathy close

An aerie protector gains a +4 bonus on wild empathy checks on flying animals, but they take a -4 penalty on checks on other animals. This alters wild empathy.

last updated 3 months ago

Wild Growth Hex

Wild Growth Hex close

Hexing your enemies causes them to be ensnared in tangling vines.

last updated 25 days ago

Wilding Mind

Wilding Mind close

You can repress your conscious mind in favor of a primal state that helps you resist mental influence.

last updated 4 months ago

Wilding Stride

Wilding Stride close

Your wild-hearted drive and honed physique allow you to move with great swiftness.

last updated 22 days ago

Wild Shape

Wild Shape close

An aerie protector gains this ability at 6th level, except their effective druid level is their druid level - 2. If they take on the form of a flying animal, they instead use their druid level + 2.

last updated 9 months ago

Wild Vigor

Wild Vigor close

The forces of nature bolster your vitality when you use wild shape.

last updated 6 months ago

Wolf Style

Wolf Style close

While in this style, you hamper foes that turn their backs on you.

last updated 6 months ago

Wolf Trip

Wolf Trip close

You have studied the manner in which wolves bring down their pray.

last updated 4 months ago

Wood Crafter

Wood Crafter close

Eschewing the use of metals in your craft, you excel at crafting armor from wood.

last updated about 2 years ago

Woodland Wraith

Woodland Wraith close

You put the terrain between yourself and your opponents to avoid attacks.

last updated over 2 years ago