business Buildings by person SapphireMoondancer


? close


last updated 6 days ago


? close


last updated 1 day ago


? close

last updated 7 months ago


? close

last updated about 1 month ago


? close

last updated 8 months ago


? close


last updated 3 months ago


? close


last updated 5 days ago


? close

last updated about 2 months ago


? close

(See photos)

last updated 15 days ago


Aces close

A factory in Kennai.

last updated 5 months ago

Aerie Aleworks

Aerie Aleworks close

Aerie Aleworks is a simply brewery, crafting ale and beer alike. It is located in AU.

last updated over 2 years ago

Almost Abandoned Attic

Almost Abandoned Attic close

Located in a mysterious house in Neovia, the Almost Abandoned Attic is only open to those with accounts over 3 years old.

last updated 6 days ago

Alpha Banashares

Alpha Banashares close

A bank that exists within a tribe of people.

last updated 4 months ago

Altador Cup Souvenir

Altador Cup Souvenir close

A souvenir shop for the Altador Cup.

last updated 5 months ago

Altadorian Archives

Altadorian Archives close


last updated 22 days ago

Angel Wing Brewers

Angel Wing Brewers close

last updated 15 days ago

Angel Wing Brewing Co.

Angel Wing Brewing Co. close

A brewery in the snowy parts of Expos. Guess they need it with all these skeletons around!

last updated 9 months ago


Arcanium close

last updated about 1 month ago

Ashet's House

Ashet's House close

This enormous house has a retro look to it and is in excellent condition. The interiors is done in colors that remind you of a temperate forest. The yard is small and very formal-looking.

last updated 13 days ago

Auction House

Auction House close

last updated about 5 hours ago

Aura Navigations

Aura Navigations close

A simple business running out of AU.

last updated 3 months ago

Bad Spring Café

Bad Spring Café close

A cute café in Icebell.

last updated 3 months ago

Bake Awake

Bake Awake close

A bakery in Undertale that is for monsters and humans.

last updated about 2 months ago

Bakers Delight

Bakers Delight close

A cute little bakery in the city of [[Town-16899]].

last updated 6 months ago

Battle Magic

Battle Magic close

last updated 5 months ago

Battle Supplies

Battle Supplies close


last updated 20 days ago

Believue Clinic

Believue Clinic close

A tent hospital in Citremel.

last updated 22 days ago

Bird Cage Theater

Bird Cage Theater close

last updated 6 months ago

Book Shop

Book Shop close


last updated 7 months ago

Booktastic Books

Booktastic Books close

last updated 5 days ago

Bought Again

Bought Again close

A quint little shop located in the downtown of [[Town-16899]].

last updated about 2 months ago

Brightvale Armoury

Brightvale Armoury close

last updated 6 months ago

Brightvale Books

Brightvale Books close

last updated 2 days ago

Brightvale Castle

Brightvale Castle close

last updated 6 months ago

Brightvale Glaziers

Brightvale Glaziers close

last updated 2 months ago

Brightvale Motery

Brightvale Motery close

last updated 3 months ago

Brown End

Brown End close


last updated about 2 months ago


(Cafe) close

last updated about 1 month ago

Cafe Kreludor

Cafe Kreludor close

last updated 3 months ago

Camp Immunity

Camp Immunity close

A camp just outside of Icebell. It holds soldiers for the Ruzia Empire.

last updated about 1 month ago

Castle & Starfish Club

Castle & Starfish Club close

This club has casino services. There is body swapping going on in the back.

last updated 3 months ago

Catacombs of the Doomed Paladin

Catacombs of the Doomed Paladin close

A large pair of worn, statues in a gloomy cliff side marks the entrance to this dungeon. Beyond the pair of worn statues lies a massive, crumbling room. It's covered in dirt, cobwebs, and rubble. Your torch allows you to see remnants of statues, aged and ravaged by time itself. Its twisted trail leads passed pillaged rooms and soon you enter a dark area. There's a seemingly endless hole in the center. Around it ar...

last updated 2 days ago

Cell Block

Cell Block close

last updated 8 months ago

Cerulean Gardens Sanatorium

Cerulean Gardens Sanatorium close

An asylum in Kennai.

last updated about 2 months ago

Chocolate Factory

Chocolate Factory close

A shop in Neopia Central that sells Candy and Chocolate.

last updated about 9 hours ago

Church of Ubum

Church of Ubum close

A temple for the [[Religion-8853]] .

last updated 18 days ago

Club Colosseum

Club Colosseum close

A nightclub in downtown Kennai.

last updated 6 months ago

Coffee Shop

Coffee Shop close

last updated 6 months ago

Collectable Card Shop

Collectable Card Shop close


last updated about 2 months ago

Collectable Sea Shells

Collectable Sea Shells close

last updated about 1 month ago

Colouring Pages

Colouring Pages close


last updated 3 months ago

Concert Hall

Concert Hall close

last updated 3 months ago

Cooking Pot

Cooking Pot close

last updated 5 days ago

Corftey Fort

Corftey Fort close

The castle in the central of Icebell. Six strong, square towers tower above all, they're linked with small bridges and are connected by lower, narrow walls made of red stone. Refined windows are scattered thinly around the walls in fairly symmetrical patterns, along with symmetric holes for archers and artillery. A huge grate with large metal doors, a regular bridge and large crenellations guards the only easy way...

last updated 15 days ago

Council Hall

Council Hall close


last updated 6 months ago

Crimson Galaxy Hotel

Crimson Galaxy Hotel close

A fancy hotel in Kennai.

last updated 10 days ago

Darigan Coloring

Darigan Coloring close

last updated 2 months ago

Darigan Toys

Darigan Toys close

last updated 2 months ago

Defense Lab of the Establishment of Horology

Defense Lab of the Establishment of Horology close

A laboratory in Kennai.

last updated 6 months ago

Defense Magic

Defense Magic close

A store that sells defense magic items for the Battledome.

last updated 5 months ago

Diasomnia Dorm

Diasomnia Dorm close


last updated 11 days ago

Divine Blossom Espresso Bar

Divine Blossom Espresso Bar close

A cute cafe in Kennai.

last updated 12 days ago

Dufax Manor

Dufax Manor close

The mansion of the Fuchoowa family.

last updated 25 days ago

Elm House

Elm House close

This moderately-sized house looks a bit old-fashioned and is in terrible condition. The interior is done in dark colors. The yard is moderately-sized and looks very formal.

last updated 9 days ago

Evangeline's House

Evangeline's House close

This large house looks like an old castle and is in average condition. The interior is done in wintery colors. The yard is small and looks very formal.

last updated 1 day ago

Exotic Foods

Exotic Foods close

last updated about 2 months ago

Exquisite Ambrosia

Exquisite Ambrosia close

last updated 3 months ago

Faerie Bookshop

Faerie Bookshop close


last updated 3 months ago

Faerie Foods

Faerie Foods close


last updated 5 months ago

Faerie Furniture

Faerie Furniture close


last updated 7 months ago

Faerieland Employment Agency

Faerieland Employment Agency close

last updated 11 days ago

Faerie Paint Brushes

Faerie Paint Brushes close


last updated 12 days ago

Faerie Petpets

Faerie Petpets close

last updated 1 day ago

Faerie Quests

Faerie Quests close

last updated 20 days ago

Faerie Weapon Shop

Faerie Weapon Shop close

last updated 5 months ago

Food Shop

Food Shop close


last updated 4 months ago

Food Stall

Food Stall close


last updated 6 months ago

Freeguard Nest

Freeguard Nest close

A hideout in Kennai.

last updated 23 days ago

Fresh Smoothies

Fresh Smoothies close


last updated 6 months ago

Fruits of Brightvale

Fruits of Brightvale close

last updated 5 months ago

Gardening Supplies

Gardening Supplies close

Shop in Neopia Central that sells plants.

last updated 2 months ago

Gemstone Banks Inc.

Gemstone Banks Inc. close

The bank used across the nation.

last updated 3 months ago

General Store

General Store close


last updated 7 months ago

Genneo's Masonry

Genneo's Masonry close

A modest stonemason's workshop, built within a ring of ancient stone monoliths.

last updated 2 months ago

Giant Jelly

Giant Jelly close

It's a giant jelly.

last updated 3 months ago

Gift Galore

Gift Galore close

A store that sells Gifts.

last updated 6 months ago

Grooming Parlour

Grooming Parlour close

A place in Neopia Central to get Grooming items.

last updated 16 days ago

Grundos Cafe

Grundos Cafe close

A cafe built into a spaceship.

last updated 26 days ago

Hall of Heroes

Hall of Heroes close


last updated 3 months ago

Halo Orphan Home

Halo Orphan Home close

The orphanage in Kennai.

last updated 10 days ago

Health Food

Health Food close

A shop that sells only the healthiest foods.

last updated about 2 months ago

Heroic Discipline

Heroic Discipline close

A guild located in [[Town-16899]]. It doesn't get much use.

last updated about 2 months ago

Hidden Tower

Hidden Tower close

last updated about 2 months ago

Hiri's Pottery

Hiri's Pottery close

The workshop of a potter named Taki Kiri, who is rumored to craft special tankards for the Assassin's Guild.

last updated 2 months ago

Hollyvale House

Hollyvale House close

This moderately-sized house looks a bit old-fashioned and is in poor condition. The interior is done in nautical colors. The yard is large and looks very formal.

last updated 3 months ago

Homewood Residence

Homewood Residence close

A run-down looking house.

last updated about 1 year ago

Huberts Hotdogs

Huberts Hotdogs close


last updated 15 days ago

Ice Cream Shop

Ice Cream Shop close

A dessert shop that sells the best ice cream in Neopia.

last updated 6 months ago

Ice Crystal Shop

Ice Crystal Shop close

last updated 6 days ago

Illustrious Armoury

Illustrious Armoury close

last updated about 2 months ago

Ivory Beach Inn

Ivory Beach Inn close

A small inn in Kennai.

last updated 1 day ago

Jand's House

Jand's House close

This small house has a rustic look to it and is in poor condition. The interior is done in cool colors. The yard is large and is overgrown with wild plants.

last updated about 1 month ago

Justice Reign's Castle

Justice Reign's Castle close

This is the castle, Justic Reigns, operates out of.

last updated 29 days ago

Kako's Masonry

Kako's Masonry close

A modest stonemason's workshop, built within a ring of ancient stone monoliths.

last updated 8 months ago

Kayla's Potion Shop

Kayla's Potion Shop close


last updated 15 days ago


Kelp close

last updated 2 months ago

Khes's House

Khes's House close

This small house has a fairytale-like look to it and is in average condition. The interior is done in colors that reminds you of a temperate forest. The yard is enormous and resembles a meadow. Also, rumor has it an old witch used to live here.

last updated 13 days ago

Kiko Lake Treats

Kiko Lake Treats close


last updated about 2 months ago

Kitsune's House

Kitsune's House close

This large house looks like an old japanese castle and is in average condition. The interior is done in warm colors. The yard is moderately-sized and is neatly-trimmed.

last updated 4 months ago

Kozo's Blades

Kozo's Blades close

The workshop of a male creative weaponsmith named Kaoka Kozo, who was once an adventurer, but retired after his companions were turned into stone.

last updated 3 months ago


Kroger close

last updated 20 days ago

Legendary Petpets

Legendary Petpets close

last updated about 1 month ago

Lillia's House

Lillia's House close

last updated about 2 months ago

Lord Darigan's Chambers

Lord Darigan's Chambers close

last updated 9 days ago

Magical Marvels

Magical Marvels close

last updated 4 months ago

Magic Shop

Magic Shop close

last updated 5 months ago

Marlin's House

Marlin's House close

This moderately-sized house almost looks aquatic and is in good condition. The interior is done in wintery colors. The yard is small and looks very formal.

last updated 12 days ago


Merifoods close

last updated 3 months ago

Merrill's House

Merrill's House close

This small house looks a bit old-fashioned and is in good condition. The interior is done in color that reminds you of a plum tree. The yard is small and resembles a meadow. Also, rumor has it an old witch used to live here.

last updated 7 months ago

Minions of Darigan

Minions of Darigan close


last updated about 2 months ago

Music Shop

Music Shop close


last updated about 1 month ago

Nako's Clocks

Nako's Clocks close

The workshop of a female human clockmaker named Atnan Nako, who is rumored to lead an apocalypse cult.

last updated about 1 month ago

NC Mall

NC Mall close


last updated 2 months ago

Neohome Superstore

Neohome Superstore close

A building in Neopia Central that sells Neohome items.

last updated about 2 months ago

Neopian Bank

Neopian Bank close

last updated over 1 year ago

Nightmare's Castle

Nightmare's Castle close

The castle that Nightmare took over for himself.

last updated 13 days ago

Pargeway SPD

Pargeway SPD close

last updated 18 days ago

Peterlee Library

Peterlee Library close

Peterlee library is on the outskirts of Peterlee town center It is inside of Peterlee college so there are plenty parking spaces.

last updated 9 months ago

Petpet Arena

Petpet Arena close

last updated about 1 month ago

Petpet Shop

Petpet Shop close

last updated about 1 month ago

Petpet Supplies

Petpet Supplies close

A building in Neopia Central that sells Petpet supplies.

last updated about 2 months ago


Phamacy close

last updated 10 days ago

Pine House

Pine House close

(See photos)

last updated 5 months ago


Pinetree close


last updated 4 days ago


Pizzaroo close

A pizza parlor in Neopia Central.

last updated 26 days ago

Plushie Shop

Plushie Shop close

last updated about 5 hours ago

Pomefiore Dorm

Pomefiore Dorm close

last updated 7 months ago

Poogle Races

Poogle Races close

last updated about 2 months ago

Post Office

Post Office close

last updated about 2 hours ago

Qasalan Delights

Qasalan Delights close


last updated 5 days ago

Ramshackle Dorm

Ramshackle Dorm close


last updated 3 months ago

Raven's Nest Estate

Raven's Nest Estate close

last updated 11 months ago

Restmeadow Manor

Restmeadow Manor close

last updated 10 days ago

River View

River View close

This tiny house has a quiet atmosphere and is in terrible condition. The interior is done in colors that reminds you of the desert. The yard is large and resembles a meadow. Also people claim to hear strange noises coming from the house at night.

last updated 6 months ago


Riverways close


last updated 3 months ago

Rock's House

Rock's House close

This small house has a fairytale-like look to it and is in average condition. The interior is done in colors that remind you of a cloudy sky. The yard is tiny and is overgrown with wild plants.

last updated 24 days ago

Rogue & Tower Lounge

Rogue & Tower Lounge close

last updated about 2 months ago

Royal Potionery

Royal Potionery close

last updated 9 days ago

Rubbish Dump

Rubbish Dump close

A shop that sells the most disgusting food in Neopia.

last updated about 2 months ago

Ruby Valley Hospital Center

Ruby Valley Hospital Center close

The local hospital in Kennai.

last updated about 2 months ago

School Supplies

School Supplies close

last updated 12 days ago

Shannon's House

Shannon's House close

This small house has a quaint atmosphere and is in poor condition. The interior is done in colors that remind you of a beautiful sunset. The yard is large and resembles a meadow.

last updated 8 months ago


(?Shop) close


last updated about 1 month ago


(Shop)? close


last updated 2 months ago

Shrine of the God and Goddess of Fear

Shrine of the God and Goddess of Fear close


last updated about 1 month ago

Shrine of the God and Goddess of the Earth

Shrine of the God and Goddess of the Earth close

last updated 27 days ago

Shrine of the God of Water

Shrine of the God of Water close

last updated about 2 months ago

Shrine of the Gods of Evil

Shrine of the Gods of Evil close

last updated about 1 month ago

Slushie Shop

Slushie Shop close

A shop that sells slushies.

last updated 6 months ago

Spooky Food

Spooky Food close

last updated 5 days ago


Starbucks close

last updated 13 days ago

Sutek's Scrolls

Sutek's Scrolls close

last updated about 1 month ago

Teatime Coffee Shop

Teatime Coffee Shop close

A cute little corner coffee shop.

last updated 9 months ago

Temple of the Deity of Autumn

Temple of the Deity of Autumn close

An ancient temple ruins, said to be haunted by the spirits of those slain upon its altar.

last updated 5 months ago

Temple of the Goddess of Nightmares

Temple of the Goddess of Nightmares close


last updated 2 days ago

Temple of the God of Love

Temple of the God of Love close

last updated 3 months ago

Temple of the God of Magic

Temple of the God of Magic close

last updated about 2 months ago

Temple of the God of Souls

Temple of the God of Souls close

last updated 4 months ago

Temple of the God of the Forge

Temple of the God of the Forge close

last updated 21 days ago

Tetso's Armaments

Tetso's Armaments close

A modest weaponsmith's workshop, built within the walls of an embattled stone tower.

last updated 8 months ago

Texans Estate

Texans Estate close

The house in which Texas, or Rosa E. Flores resides in.

last updated 12 days ago

The Amber Oyster

The Amber Oyster close


last updated 10 days ago

The Animus Den

The Animus Den close

From the outside this hideout looks stylish. It has been built with bricks covered in render and has marble decorations. Small, half rounded windows let in plenty of light and have been added to the hideout in a fairly symmetrical pattern.

last updated 6 months ago

The Apothecary

The Apothecary close

last updated 2 months ago

The Archer's Mug

The Archer's Mug close

A fanciful Japanese tavern, built atop an outcrop of quartz crystal.

last updated 7 days ago

The Arena

The Arena close

A large hexagonal amphitheater, known for its sporting competitions.

last updated about 1 month ago

The Bakery

The Bakery close

A bakery in Neopia Central.

last updated about 1 month ago

The Bigger Giant

The Bigger Giant close

A magic shop in Kennai.

last updated 13 days ago

The Bits and Pizzas Pizzeria

The Bits and Pizzas Pizzeria close


last updated about 2 months ago

The Candle of Fire

The Candle of Fire close

A heroic Japanese inn, said to be a front for the Thieves' Guild.

last updated 8 months ago

The Crossed Blades

The Crossed Blades close

A heroic adventurer's inn, known for its many secret doors and passages.

last updated about 2 months ago

The Enchanted Pavilion

The Enchanted Pavilion close

A large theatre of stone walls, known for its classical siddha tragedies.

last updated about 11 hours ago

The Exalted Knave

The Exalted Knave close

A fanciful Japanese inn built within what was once a minor temple.

last updated 23 days ago

The Exalted Maiden

The Exalted Maiden close

A fanciful Japanese inn, brightly lit by glowing gemstones set into the ceiling.

last updated 3 months ago

The Exalted Wolf Shop

The Exalted Wolf Shop close

A general store in Kennai.

last updated 7 months ago

The Hidden Tower

The Hidden Tower close

last updated about 2 months ago

The Hollow Amphitheater

The Hollow Amphitheater close

last updated about 1 month ago

The Illegal Beer Hall

The Illegal Beer Hall close

This beer hall has drinking contests. It is the home to a gang.

last updated 21 days ago

The Indigo Shield

The Indigo Shield close

A fanciful Japanese inn, which serves magical potions in addition to beers and ales.

last updated 9 months ago

The Lewd Hero

The Lewd Hero close

A heroic Japanese tavern built within what was once a sailing ship.

last updated 3 months ago

The Light Cake

The Light Cake close


last updated 3 days ago

The Listening Moon Mall

The Listening Moon Mall close

The local mall for [[Town-16899]].

last updated 5 months ago

The Marina Mantle Casino

The Marina Mantle Casino close

A casino set-up in Kennai.

last updated 6 days ago

The Neggery

The Neggery close

last updated 7 months ago

The Pears

The Pears close

This enormous house looks a bit old-fashioned and is in good condition. The interior is done in colors that remind you of a garden. The yard is enormous and resembles a meadow.

last updated 5 months ago

The Primal Sanctuary

The Primal Sanctuary close

An ancient temple that the Crystal Warriors are said to train in.

last updated 9 days ago

The Psycho Amphitheater

The Psycho Amphitheater close


last updated 3 months ago

The Scrollary

The Scrollary close

last updated 29 days ago

The Shrine of Hima Masu

The Shrine of Hima Masu close

A stone statue of Hima Masu, Lord of Death, surrounded by a ring of broken columns.

last updated 23 days ago

The Sickly Pudding

The Sickly Pudding close

A tavern in Kennai.

last updated 3 days ago

The Sly Trickster

The Sly Trickster close

An elegant commoner's inn, which has one door here and another in the Kingdom of Beziya.

last updated 2 months ago

The Spring Blossom

The Spring Blossom close

last updated 8 months ago

The Thirsty Brush

The Thirsty Brush close

A strangely untouched garden shop.

last updated about 1 month ago

The Triumphant Hunter

The Triumphant Hunter close

A neglected Japanese tavern, known for the fire elemental which dwells in its hearth.

last updated 4 months ago

The Undead Den

The Undead Den close

last updated 3 months ago

The Unique Blossom

The Unique Blossom close

last updated 3 months ago

The Wrestling Bombshell Boutique

The Wrestling Bombshell Boutique close

A boutique in Kennai.

last updated about 1 month ago


Tombola close

A lottery booth with a chance to draw fabulous prizes.

last updated 6 months ago

Toy Store

Toy Store close

last updated about 2 months ago

Trading Post

Trading Post close

last updated 6 months ago

Tropical Foods

Tropical Foods close

A food shop in Mystery Island.

last updated about 2 months ago


Twistedwood close

This large house looks like an old castle and is in average condition. The interior is done in dark colors. The yard is small and looks very formal.

last updated 5 months ago

Tyrannian Food

Tyrannian Food close

last updated 3 months ago

Tyrannian Weaponry

Tyrannian Weaponry close

last updated about 1 month ago

Uni's Clothing

Uni's Clothing close

last updated 6 months ago

Usuki Land

Usuki Land close

A toy store were you can buy Usuki Dolls and accessories.

last updated 4 months ago

Visual Eyes Bookstore

Visual Eyes Bookstore close

A bookstore in Kennai.

last updated 4 months ago

Wizards Shop

Wizards Shop close

A place to buy your Magic Items.

last updated 14 days ago

Wonderous Weaponry

Wonderous Weaponry close


last updated 4 months ago

World's Castle/House

World's Castle/House close

World's new home built by her friends.

last updated 2 months ago

Yayai's House

Yayai's House close

This moderately-sized house looks fairly modern and is in poor condition. The interior is done in colors that remind you of a coffee shop. The yard is moderately-sized and looks very formal.

last updated about 2 months ago

Zacharie Shop

Zacharie Shop close

last updated about 2 months ago

Zazzle T-Shirts

Zazzle T-Shirts close

A shop that sells gifts for followers.

last updated 5 months ago