forum We're all different, but that's okay. (High school rp) (5/6 / open)
Started by @payten_the_coffee_addict

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Hello! I'm borrowing this rp idea from @Simply_A_Les-bean_Is_Lonely , but adding my own twists too it.

Basic Plot line:
These 6 kids come from jurrastically different friend groups but all end up together in the end. it all starts in (shocker) detention. Will they tell their friends that they're all close now? or will they keep it a secret until they cant anymore? lets rp and find out!

A few basic rules:
~cursing is allowed, just be cautious
~LGBTQA+ always welcome
~i put the prefered gender and grade in parenthesis next to the character title, but im open to genderbending and of course nonbinary characters. mostly im just going off stereotypes that can be given nice little character archs
~please be mindful of your character title when creating your characters and rping with them, as they're key points to the plot

The Smart Girl (f, senior): @payten_the_coffee_addict
The Jock(m, senior): @salami
The Mean/ Rich/ Cheerleader (f, junior/ senior): @NoraKinnie
The Creepy Guy (whose actually not that creepy once you get to know him)(m, sophomore/ junior): open
The Innocent Freshman (m/ f, freshman): @Ash-says-Crocs-for-president
The Flamboyant Gay/Lesbian (m/f, any ): @Gro0vy

I usually go more in depth but im feeling a little lazy. hope to see you in the rp !

Deleted user

(Ooh, I do be liking that cheerleader role though… May I?)
(Edit: Ash has first say before me, I'm fine with any role!)

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Name: Jax Cora
Role: Innocent Freshman
Age: 13
Sexuality: Unknown
Personality: Jax is very cheerful and friendly, and very naive. She's also smart for her age, having skipped a grade, and has quite a bit of medical knowledge.
Appearance: Jax is tiny for her age, standing at 5'1 with small shoulders and a very skinny form. She has big, gray eyes, as well as long, straight brown hair, usually back in a braid growing down to the small of her back. Her bangs are straight as well, and grow down to her eyebrows. She's very pale, and has scars on either side of her mouth, which she usually covers with a mask.

(Is she good?)

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Name: Melanie Rodriguez
Role: Cheerleader
Age: Junior/16
Sexuality: Bi (but refuses to admit it)
Personality: You'd better hope she likes you, else Mel might come at you with her entourage of gossipers to grind your high school reputation to dust. Besides that, Mel is kind of lonely and hates to admit it. If it weren't for her father spoiling her, she might honestly be depressed. Melanie lives by the "out of sight, out of mind" rule when it comes to friends who aren't close or important to her.
Appearance: Melanie stands at about 5'6" and wears a custom shawl that Mel made overtop of a dress and leggings–everyday she thinks she needs to look her best, else she might be made fun of.
Other: Nothing that I know of! Is she good?

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Name: Tiffany birch
Role: mean girl cheerleader.
Age: 18
Sexuality: straight
Personality:a fake bitch. On the outside she's sweet kind considerate loving and all in all a great person to have around. But that's just her acting. Usually barely anyone can see through her act. She's toxic, casually separating people until she's there only friend and then leaving them depressed and alone while they think she's the most amazing person ever. She spreads rumors, she's a classic b Attention seeker.
Appearance:Tiffany birch

@_Gro0vy_ group

Name (Evan) Evangeline Compton,
Role: flamboyant lesbian
Age: 18 (senior)
Sexuality: very gay, very single
Personality: seems very chaotic and loud at first, very social, flirts constantly so as to gain the upper hand in social situations, kind and helpful to others as well as insensitive, it depends on how you approach her. nice to people that deserve it, you either hate her or like her. gets into fights easily, protective over her friends, doesn't really do much schoolwork, gets decent grades. all she's trying to do at this point is graduate. cant/won't recognize toxic behaviors in others, not in a relationship because she feels that she is toxic. really anxious all the time but tries not to show it. a human entirely made of dark humor, bad puns, black coffee, and false confidence.
Appearance: black boy short hair (think ruby rose gay goddess) pale with olive undertones, tall and thin, people often mistake her for a him because she's built like a cereal box, but that doesn't really affect her. green eyes, never seen without eyeliner and mascara. clothing style leaning more toward masculine, but can do femme if she tried. always wears black joggers and a random monochrome tanktop/teeshirt or hoodie with an obscure band logo on it.