Started by @Williamnot group

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@Williamnot group

Okay, so my idea of having your characters available for questions took off a bit, but in one thread, characters started asking questions back and forth. So, that inspired this post.

Everyone is welcome to join. Just start by asking some previous characters a question, then reply if your characters get questions. Replying to questions with an answer and some more questions would be great. Now go forth and develop your characters!

NOTE: This isn't a character chat, or a roleplay. Try to keep your replies brief with minimal actions. A little bit of action is fine, but we want to keep this about character development, not roleplay. Epic sauce

@Williamnot group

To start the thread, I'll just have my characters available for questioning!

Austin(16): Poor little werewolf plagued with PTSD.He loves his sister Emily, and lives with Jarrod and Felix. He almost never sleeps, and seems to have an addiction to sugary foods that kicks in late at night.

Emily(8): Quiet little feral child who is also a werewolf with some mild PTSD. She loves her big brother and also LOVES animals. If you insult Harold the Raccoon again, she will have to cut you.

Felix(106): Hasn't aged since he was 17. Lives on the edge, getting into shootouts and being a general dumbass. Drives Jarrod insane. Lit the kitchen on fire several times and is banned.

Jarrod(27): Owns the braincell. He's a doctor and basically acts as the others parent. Don't fuck with him or his kids, he helps Felix run a crime family after all.

Mel(16): Closeted little gayass. Austin's best friend. A bit shy. Basically Austin's mom friend, but she can be just as much of a stupid teenager when she wants to be.

–Descriptions since these are the first characters in the thread. Just some things for other characters to ask about and get things going B)
–If you want to add descriptions for your characters so people can ask questions, try to keep them short, like a couple sentences, so the thread doesn't get too bogged down with description stuff instead of question asking.

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Arwood: Austin, I too have PTS and had to learn what triggered my flashbacks and what prevented them. Do you have a technique for calming your mind and keeping the flashbacks or whatever your symptoms are at bay?

Felman: Jarrod, what made you decide to become a doctor? Was a family member a doctor, or did something happen in your past that planted the seed?

Kale: Hmm…..Felix, I'll ask you questions. You're a 106, which means you've probably done many things in your past before meeting your companions. How did you meet them? What made you decide to stick around?

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Daniel: Ah. PTSD. I have the same thing. The worst thing it is… How are ya holding up?

@furetakunai ac_unit

Right, two questions for all characters.

What is something you struggle with the most in life (or death if you're dead)?
And what is something that you find easily to do or deal with?

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Peppermint: Emily, you have a big brother, too? And you're eight, like me? I've got lots of big brothers and sisters, seventy-eight, I think! They're all really nice!

Jax: Jarrod, you're a lot like my captain! Who gets on your nerves the most, though?

Azami: Felix, how much of the kitchen have you burned down? My baby brother's set the kitchen on fire before. Also, will you live forever?


Right, two questions for all characters.

What is something you struggle with the most in life (or death if you're dead)?
And what is something that you find easily to do or deal with?

Abie: fluffy shep does not get enough sugar.
(Me: you get plenty of sugar, be quiet.)
Abie: fluffy shep think that being a fluffy shep is easy. -rolls over and waves foots in the air-

Phoenix: flashbacks
(She's good at hiding her emotions, as one can see)

Nyx: flashbacks but at a more minimal level than Phoenix
Nyx: I'm good at organising things… you wouldn't know it, but I am.

Lyssa: Being flawless is hard work, darling! But I'm good at makeup, hair, clothing, all of that stuff… -pats bun nonchalantly- …so I guess it isn't as hard for me as it is for others!

Mashka: …define struggle.


Katana (she/her): To no one in particular what's your biggest regret?

Archie (he/him): Austin, in what ways do you think I can be a better brother?

Yuzu (he/they): Jarrod, do you try to keep Felix in check? If so, how do you do it?

@Williamnot group

(Grace)Emily, do you wish you weren't a warewolf?

Emily: Yeah… it would be nice to not worry about the werewolf stuff. But I guess it is pretty cool.

(Stone_King_2931)Arwood: Austin, I too have PTS and had to learn what triggered my flashbacks and what prevented them. Do you have a technique for calming your mind and keeping the flashbacks or whatever your symptoms are at bay?

Austin: Not really. I just spend a lot of time in the woods. I run away and just wander there for a while. I've gotten in trouble for it at school. The woods are the opposite of where my… uh… trauma happened. So I guess that helps.

(Stone_King_2931)Felman: Jarrod, what made you decide to become a doctor? Was a family member a doctor, or did something happen in your past that planted the seed?

Jarrod: Eh.. heh. I don't actually have a medical degree. I'm just as good as any certified doctor though. I learned because Felix gets banged up and hurt so often, I eventually just started fixing him up myself.
Jarrod: I did want to be a doctor as a kid, so that probably helped.

(Stone_King_2931)Kale: Hmm…..Felix, I'll ask you questions. You're a 106, which means you've probably done many things in your past before meeting your companions. How did you meet them? What made you decide to stick around?

Felix: Ah, I see you're a fellow of good quality! Yep, I'm five times as old as all my friends.
Felix: I met Jarrod about a decade ago. He was fresh blood for the gang I ran and he caught my eye. He was the only one who wasn't afraid to tell me what he thought. I took him under my wing and eventually he became my right hand man.
Jarrod: "Under my wing", I spend most of my time reprimanding you
Felix: This is MY question! Get out of here!

(Ash-cant-stop-simping-for-O-Kiku-help)Peppermint: Emily, you have a big brother, too? And you're eight, like me? I've got lots of big brothers and sisters, seventy-eight, I think! They're all really nice!

Emily: Wow… 78?! That's a lot..
Emily: I think I'm glad I just have one Austin
Austin: I hope that's a good thing

(Ash-cant-stop-simping-for-O-Kiku-help)Jax: Jarrod, you're a lot like my captain! Who gets on your nerves the most, though?

Jarrod: It's this jackass
Felix: Well FUck you too Jarrod

(Ash-cant-stop-simping-for-O-Kiku-help)Azami: Felix, how much of the kitchen have you burned down? My baby brother's set the kitchen on fire before. Also, will you live forever?

Felix: In my defense, the first time it was only the stove.
Felix: The third time it was most almost the entire kitchen.
Felix: Also, I could live forever. But I'm not immortal, I just don't age. So probably not.

(Disaster_Bi_Was_Here)Archie (he/him): Austin, in what ways do you think I can be a better brother?

Austin: Well, I would start by making sure that you're around when you siblings need you. It doesn't need to be all the time, just often enough that they can talk to you.
Austin: Oh, and uh. Love them. I guess.

(Disaster_Bi_Was_Here)Yuzu (he/they): Jarrod, do you try to keep Felix in check? If so, how do you do it?

Jarrod: TRY, yes. DO, no.
Jarrod: The best thing I can do is yell at him. I can't really actually do anything. Lucky for me, he usually listens.
Jarrod: Usually.

@Williamnot group

Jarrod: Felman, are you doctor as well? If not, what do you do?

Felix: For everyone, what's your favorite alco-
Austin: NO, No, no that's not what I said to ask. What's everyone favorite drink?

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(Williamnot) Jarrod: Felman, are you doctor as well? If not, what do you do?

Felman: Well, where I hail from, we are known as healers, like you, I do not have a license. I found that helping to heal others brought not just myself joy, but those I was helping, and their families.

(Williamnot) Austin: NO, No, no that's not what I said to ask. What's everyone’s favorite drink?

Felman: Red wine, especially if it was created using Esheas dark-colored grapes harvested during the blue moon of 1012.

Arwood: My go-to beverage would be water, but I will not turn away from good ale if it is set before me.

Kale: A margarita! he shouts rolling his ‘r’ and duplicating a perfect Mexican accent. It’s such a drag they no longer make them, so I’m stuck with ale or wine….so, I chose water.

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Kale: Peppermint, I'm guessing you actually hate peppermint or am I wrong? Also, 78 siblings!! That's sooo dope. What's it like?

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

(Stone_King_2931) Kale: Peppermint, I'm guessing you actually hate peppermint or am I wrong? Also, 78 siblings!! That's sooo dope. What's it like?

Peppermint: I love peppermint! I love any candy, actually! My big bro Perospero lets me have lots of candy! I actually have 85 siblings, but 78 are older! I don't see many of them that much, they're usually on the main island or out doing pirate things. I wanna be just like them when I grow up, and sail the seas and kill other pirates!

@threesacult group

Jack: Oh, huh, another person stuck at a young age. I'm a few hundred years older than you, Felix, but same difference. Is it an immortality type of deal for you, or something else? How do you, y'know…deal with it all? Knowing you're going to outlive everyone you know. I've been around a long time, but I still can't quite get my head around it.
Jack: Also, to answer your drink question…I used to like drinking wine, but it's literally impossible for me to get drunk now that I'm no longer human, so I don't see much of a point anymore.

Cyrus: Hey, Austin! What's the best way to sneak sugary foods without waking people up late at night?
Cyrus: I'm…uh…asking for a friend.

(For anyone) Quill: Wow! Hi, everyone. So, what time periods do you all live in? It's 20XX for us!

@Williamnot group

(Not!Onnex)Jack: Oh, huh, another person stuck at a young age. I'm a few hundred years older than you, Felix, but same difference. Is it an immortality type of deal for you, or something else? How do you, y'know…deal with it all? Knowing you're going to outlive everyone you know. I've been around a long time, but I still can't quite get my head around it.
Jack: Also, to answer your drink question…I used to like drinking wine, but it's literally impossible for me to get drunk now that I'm no longer human, so I don't see much of a point anymore.

Felix: Yeah! I half to drink so much alcohol if I want to actually get drunk! It's ridiculous!, but yeah, to answer your question, it's semimortality. I can still be hurt, but I don't get sick, don't need to sleep, that kind of stuff. And I don't age.
Felix: And yeah, knowing you'll outlive the people around is the worse part. To be honest, I just..
Felix: Don't think about it.

(Not!Onnex)Cyrus: Hey, Austin! What's the best way to sneak sugary foods without waking people up late at night?
Cyrus: I'm…uh…asking for a friend.

Austin: First of all, wear two pairs of socks to pad your footsteps. Next, you need to memorize where the floor creaks and do your best not to step on those. Then, open cabinet doors and things slowly, and open wrappers underneath a blanket. After that, you should be all set. If you wait until after 1 am, everyone should be sleeping like rocks so it'll be easier.

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(Not!Onnex) Quill: Wow! Hi, everyone. So, what time periods do you all live in? It's 20XX for us!

Felman: All of my companions live in the year 1315. Kale, however-
Kale: Kale will answer for himself, thank you very much. I lived on earth in the year 2020, but now, I am stuck in 1315.

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Arwood: This question is to no one in specific. What are the 3 items you would grab if your dwelling was on fire?

@Williamnot group

(Stone_King_2931)Arwood: This question is to no one in specific. What are the 3 items you would grab if your dwelling was on fire?

Austin: Hm. The flower petals I preserved, probably a set of clothes, and my phone.
Emily: Um… I don't really have anything that's that important… I guess I would get Austin, Felix, and Jarrod!
Felix: My gun, as much of my booze stash as I can hold, and my best suit.
Jarrod: My gun, the ledger for the gang, and whatever book I'm currently reading.
Jarrod: FelixIsweartogodifyouactuallyendupburningmyhousedownyourtimeonEarthiscomingtoanend-

Emily: What's your guys' favorite animal!
Austin: Also, where do you go to calm down or get away from people?