forum Tell me about your characters at different points in their lives!
Started by @Anyanka99 groupoh shit waddup

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@Anyanka99 groupoh shit waddup

Tell me what they're like when we first meet them, what they look like, how they act, what their goals are. Then maybe as your story progresses how that changes. Then maybe (if you know) what they're like in their old age or the last time we see them. If some time passes and the story goes on with out them and they do something else, what they're like then too!

Here's two of mine to get it started.

Also 19 when we meet him, Rothos during this period is looking rough. After just barely surviving his Thenite initiation ceremony, he’s left very pale and weak. With a big dark circle under one of his eyes and the infamous (1st) mark of the Thenites under the other. His hair is dirty blonde and kept quite short at first but once he escapes it grows out to be rather unruly.

Once he goes back to the Thenites, he goes back to the neat hair he had before and tried to make himself more intimidating. He becomes a skilled swordsman and also become fairly muscular. He rises through the ranks and earns more markings. By the time he has his confrontation with Terus he’s both unrecognizable and very distinct due to all the scarification he’s undergone. He also dies in his early 40s, but by the end he’s sallow but deceptively strong.


When we meet her at 19, she’s very reserved and her style and appearance are pretty conservative. She’s a bit chubby and wears typical city peasant wear, long sleeves and long skirts. She has long straight orange hair she keeps in braids or a tight bun. After she leaves Cormine and start working on the Moraith she cuts her hair into more of a shoulder length or bob style and it becomes more wavy. She starts wearing pants and becomes a lot less feminine. The next time we see her, she’s in her late 30s/ early 40s and besides the passage of time, not a lot about her has changed. After coming back from the Sorag’s realm, her red hair has had a deep green undertone that gets darker as she ages. She dies in her 60s I think and has retired and become very frail.

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Well there's only 1 character of mine that has grown and developed.
Originally designed for a Dr. Who rp, Melanie Rodriguez was an ill-tempered teenager just entering college who cared for her mother, who became alcoholic after her father passed away. (So I may have forgot to mention that she was made way back when I thought edginess was cool…) Melanie tries to push through and become the diamond in the rough when she meets the Doctor late at night in a cafe while she's doing college work. They talk and Mel becomes quick friends with him. Things eventually escalate, and Mel meets her first hostile alien, who she somehow kills with her minimal psychic energy that humans have before the Doctor would have been reduced to ash. We didn't get far in the rp sadly, but I will always remember Mel.
I brought back Mel in a few character chats as a time-travelling, middle-aged women who left the Doctor in her own pursuits of saving time. 36 years after the events above, Melanie lives on. As a parting gift, the Doctor gave Melanie a watch that she could time travel with, but it was always finicky, especially now after 20 years of use. In dire moments, though, the watch activates and takes Melanie away from immediate danger–that was something Mel always thought to be the work of the Doctor, and she silently thanks him, even if she'll never see him again.

Hopefully this makes sense.