forum Sanders Sides rp with @Luz_Noceda
Started by @heeey-bitchhhhhhhhhhh

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Here are the ships I’m okay with!

Logicality (I can write Patton)

Prinxiety (I can play Virgil or Roman)

Analogical (Virgil)

Dukeceit (Deceit/Janus)

And platonic Moceit (uhhhhhh I can play either)


So, basically, you're Patton no matter what we do, which is fair. He is your favorite, and I can't blame you for that. I typically write Roman in all of my Sanders Sides role plays, so I can write him, and then there's no issues with writing Logan, as I have experience there from my role plays with my girlfriend, and then with Remus and Janus, I'm fairly inexperienced with both.


I like that. Probably after Lo just completely breaks down from all the emotions he'd been ignoring for so long on top of stress and stuff. Sounds like a fair plot idea to me.



And Virge constantly has to deal with his own stress so (of course) he’s picked up a few techniques that help-


Logan was in his room, working on something as he usually would. He had been awake for the past couple of days, analyzing things for projects most of that time. He had a lot of work to do with little time. The others would constantly ask him to leave his room and hang out with them for at least a few minutes, but he always refused. On top of the stress from work, the others being seen as constant distractions, and sleep deprivation, he had been finding it much more difficult to block out and ignore his emotions.

Brief moments of frustration had been causing him to almost ruin his work, and occasional sadness from upsetting the others also got to him, but he forced himself to ignore those emotions. He had no idea what was going on, as he was supposed to be the logical one, and emotions weren't a part of logic. To him, all they did was slow him down and hinder his work, leaving him wondering why they were getting harder to ignore. He didn't want to tell anyone, as he refused to show this side of himself. He remained locked in his room, working, forcing himself to get things done.


Virgil had been very worried about Logan for a while. He could practically feel the stress building up. He slowly walked over to Logan’s door, knocking on it gently. “…Lo? Can I come in?” he asked softly.


Logan remained at his desk, sighing to himself at the other's question. He had no interest in having the others slow him down, not having the time to chat for even a few minutes if he wanted to get things done.

"Virgil, I can assure you that there is no reason to be this concerned about me," Logan told him. "You are doing your job, being concerned and all, but I am merely doing my job as well, and your concern levels are higher than they are required to be. I would ask why, but I don't have time. I have a lot of work to finish by tomorrow."


Virgil sighed, leaning against the closed door. “I know, but…you’ve been very stressed lately. I can feel it…” he murmured. “You need to take a break. I know Thomas and the others would prefer you being okay even if you didn’t finish some of your work.”


Logan sighed, standing up for a moment. He quickly grabbed onto his desk to keep himself upright, the lack of self care becoming an issue with the extent it was at. As he regained his balance, he walked over to his door and opened it.

"Virgil, as I have told you, I can assure you that I am okay…" he sighed. "I opened my door so you could see for yourself."

The point he was attempting to get across wasn't very clear. Just looking at him would prove that something was going on. There were bags underneath his eyes, his hair was rather unkempt, and his complexion was a bit paler than it usually was. All of that was merely the physical signs of something going on, there being many more signs in his mind.


Virgil gasped softly, his worry only increasing. “Logan…you’re not okay…” he muttered, cupping Logan’s pale cheek. “You look really exhausted and I can tell you haven’t been taking care of yourself. You NEED to take a break,” he said softly, his voice taking a pleading tone. “Please…”


Logan removed the other's hand from his cheek, sighing and shaking his head. "I will care for my needs once my work is finished, Virgil. It should only be another twelve or so hours, so I don't think there is much of a need to worry about me to the extent that you are. Just trust me on that, okay…?"

He wanted to say more, but he could feel his legs giving out from underneath him, causing him to quickly grab onto Virgil to prevent him from collapsing.


Virgil yelped, quickly catching Logan and holding him gently. “You can’t continue like this…especially not for twelve more hours,” he murmured, helping the other to his bed. “You need to take care of yourself, Lo…”


"Virgil, I momentarily lost balance," he argued. "I can see why you're concerned about me, but it was nothing more than that. Now, if you don't mind, I actually need to finish my work before my deadline, so just let me do so. I am fine…"