forum Pretend to be mine! ||1x1||(closed)
Started by @FallenSinAza

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A Is from a poor family but her beauty rivals all others, B is a handsome prince that is about to be forced to marry a woman as evil as a witch. A and B meet through an unfortunate event.

“Oww.. that hurt..” He groaned, rubbing his head, “Who on earth ran in front of my horse..?”
“Are you alright?” A voice sounded from behind
“I’m alright-” Their eyes met, “You, what’s your name?” He asked quietly
“My name is..”

Pretend to be mine! A is going to be sold as a concubine, so it’s perfect for both of them

Height and body type:
Picture(if possible):

(Sorry for the short character sheet)
Notes about me: I usually disappear during school breaks but I’ll come back
My responses are rather short but I’m trying to work on it

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(Um, I'm kinda interested in this. Do you need a sample of my writing tho?)


(I don't need one but if you wanna throw one up just because, you absolutely can! Which character were you thinking of being? I'm fine with either)

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(Probably A. (I suck at writing male characters😰) Also, where and when does this take place?)


(Okiee. This takes place where there's castles and prince and princesses, no idea when that is because I don't pay attention in class. They meet out in the forest when the prince is doing some riding, if you've seen the anime snow white with red hair, something similar to that timeline and area :)

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(Okay, so medieval times. I n t e r e s t i n g. Also, I'll give you a writing sample just because.)

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(This is from an rp I'm currently in.)

(Lavendar casually answered, "You've been asleep for about an hour, actually. And you are in my humble cottage, in the middle of nowhere," she chuckled anxiously after mentioning it. "And I am-" she paused before another word was able to escape her mouth.

The young apothecary swore to the Elite she would never tell her real name to her victims. And in reality, the girl was a victim, in fact, she was never supposed to be alive in the first ­­­place, "Any stranger who dares enter your garden, should be killed and sent to us. Whether man or woman, old or young…." The words she agreed to a year and a half ago, was a vicious tune that replayed in her head…

She resumed talking, but colder and more depressive, following the script that was charred into her brain, "And I am Celosia Hortus, faithful student and apprentice of the Elite." She looked into the other girl's eyes for a few seconds before getting up and walking back to the kitchen.

She stopped before walking out of the room, "Let me know if you need anything," she said, her voice now losing its iciness, but still retaining a bit of depression. "Also, I'm making soup for lunch, I was wondering if you wanted some.")

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(Also, my answers can be longer or shorter, depending on the context.)


Name: Ridge Arden
Personality: He’s level headed and cold, he never acts like he cares but deep down he does. He doesn’t take disrespect and is quick to act.
Looks: He has longer hair with bangs in the front. He has dark hair and dark eyes
Height and body type: He stands at 6’3” and is very muscular
Picture: Will be uploaded soon
Age: 22

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Name: Fiora Brewste
Personality: Very kind, she is willing to help anyone in need. She is respectful and polite. (Although i may reveal more later.)
Looks: She has long, straight, reddish hair (usually worn in two braids laced with flowers occasionally), hazel-green eyes, and rosy cheeks.
Picture: {} She'd wear something like this: {}
Age: 21

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(Well, we can go off of what you put, unless you'd like to do something else. :) )


(Yeah we can go off of what I put :)
"You, what's your name?" He asked angrily, "What were you thinking?!" Ridge jumped up, yelling at the woman sitting at his feet

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(Wait, so my character walked in front of the prince's horse?)

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Basket in hand, Fiora Brewste was collecting dandelions for her family's brewery, some customers requested that dandelion wine be sold in the shop. Therefore, she and her siblings were collecting dandelions for that same reason.

Fiora hummed as she wandered in the field, noticing a dirt road ahead. However, she also saw someone on a cantering horse, riding on that same road. I could easily run across… she thought as she walked nearer to the road. Then, impulsively, she made a dash for it, a bit too late, though.

The horse was stopped only inches away from her, she raised her arms in an effort to protect her head. Once she noticed the horse stopped, Fiora let her arms slowly fall back down to her sides.

The rider was clearly livid, she blushed in embarrassment as he shouted at her, "I am so sorry, I really shouldn't have- " Fiora stammered, her face turned to the ground, she cautiously raised her face to look at the man. "My name is- "

She gasped as she saw who the man was, more blood rushed to her already rosy cheeks. Fiora fell to the ground, bowing to the prince in front of her, not knowing what else to say or do.


"You cloud have been easily killed!" He gripped her wrists tightly and yanked her up off the ground. His dark eyes met hers as he noticed how small the woman was, "it's not safe for young woman like you to come here by yourself, where are you headed, I'll take you there."

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Not saying a word, Fiora let herself be pulled up from the ground, keeping her head lowered in respect and shame. She would have wanted to pull away, but it was the prince who had grabbed her.

The young lady tried to speak without stuttering in embarrassment, "I- it's okay, I was just heading to- to the other side. Her rosy cheeks were redder than ever.


"Dangerous men like to wonder around here, looking for beautiful women like you." He leaned forward to whisper in her ear, "They'll take you and no one will ever see you again," Ridge stood straight up again, taking a step away from the trembling woman, "So that's why I will take you back to town."

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Fiora looked up at the prince as he spoke, only nodding her head. She shuddered as he whispered into her ear. Only God knew what the dangerous men would do to her, the prince took a step away from her.

She finally spoke in a quiet tone, "I live quite close to here and I have no reason to go to town. I could just head to the other side myself, it's alright." She started to walk to the other side.

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Fiora turned around, "My name is Fiora Brewste, and I am neither married or betrothed. Although my parents are planning to sell me as a concubine, and between you and I-" She looked around and said the following words a bit quieter, "That is the last thing I want to do with my life."

Fiora smiled shyly and a bit sadly, then turned back around about to walk back into the forest once again.