forum "Page not found" in associations after deleting page
Started by @mooglethyst group

people_alt 62 followers

@mooglethyst group

I recently deleted a character page, but it seems references to it are still showing up in other pages' Associations lists, displayed as "Page not found." Example: Tengoku City

I tried updating the page in question (Tengoku City in this case) and some of the others in that Associations list, in case triggering a save would force-refresh the list, but the problem stays.

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Hey there! This should now be fixed for all references going forward, and I have a script going through and clearing out all the existing "Page not found" links now, so you should see them disappear on their own soon. Thanks again for letting me know about this!

@mooglethyst group

Woo, thank you! :D It looks like the busted reference is still in the town I linked earlier, but I'm assuming the script will take a little while to get to everything :)