forum Not BNHA/My Hero Academia but... kinda. Except darker.
Started by @Shigaraki

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Literally just… the title. If anyone hasn't seen the show, that's fine; it doesn't have to be based off of the show or in that universe. I just like the setting, with the majority having powers and there being a school for it and all. Like BNHA but darker. I can explain it if you need me to; I just won't unless it's necessary. Tired and all.


You have no idea how pleased I am that you're here, fellow My Hero lover. That show literally has me hooked to the point that I'm concerned for my own sanity, but yet, I have no regrets.


If you want in, I'd be glad to have you. I'm only on season two of the show but I watched 11 episodes in a single night. I'd have it finished by now but I have to go to a friend's to watch it, unfortunately. I'm hooked though. I'm a huge sucker for all things superhero and for some reason this show just… agh. It made it's way right into my cold dead heart and I can't get it out. I think it's obvious who my favorite is, but I also adore Shinso, Izuku, Shigaraki, and All Might. Gotta love Kirishima too. Honestly the whole cast of characters except Mineta is amazing.

@Becfromthedead group

(If he had a girlfriend he'd sexualize her too! He's very icky and creepy. Peeping on people is not okay smh. If I had to pick a favorite though, I'd probably say Amajiki, Tokoyami, or Iida. And as far as teachers, I find Aizawa all too relatable.)


(I really love Iida too, tbh. He's amazing. And Tokoyami is pretty awesome. I'm… not sure if I've gotten to Amajiki yet? I think the only person I don't like so far is literally Mineta. AND HOW DID HE GET INTO CLASS 1-A BUT NOT MY BOY HITOSHI SHINSO? SHINSO IS LITERALLY— okay okay… ahem Anyway, uh… well, do we want to do any specific plot or just go with it and see what happens? Templates are up to you guys, whether or not you prefer freestyle or having a basic outline before you go.)

@Becfromthedead group

(Yeah, you probably haven't met Amajiki yet. He's one of the upperclassmen and he's an absolute babey. And yeah, I'd like to have at least a little to go off before we start if that's cool with y'all?)


Limitations of said power:
Backstory: (Optional! Can be revealed later as well if you prefer)
Personality: (You can keep this as simple and brief as you want)
Face: (eyes and features and such)

Feel free to add or remove anything you like. Also, I don't mind if you use one character or several. Completely up to you.


Name: Shinari Kosaku
Nickname: Nari
Age: 18
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
Quirk: can melt things in her hands
Limitations: If she gets too excited, she melts whatever is in her hands.
Personality: Overexcited and chirpy
Likes: Designing and creating weapons and machines
Dislikes: Things that will bore her, such as sitting still for two long in a quiet room.
Build/body: medium; she’s skinny, with small breasts and waist.
Skin: fair
Face: soft, big purple eyes, small pointy nose
Hair: Long sky blue hair
Clothes: often wears oversized sweaters and leggings

@Becfromthedead group

Name: Naoki Saito
Nickname: none, his hero name is Windsong
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Quirk/Power: Breath of Life: He can increase oxygen intake (both through lungs, and a little through his skin directly into the bloodstream) to increase his strength, speed, and healing factor. He can also manipulate the breath of others to some extent, but the most that can do is knock the wind out of their lungs.
Limitations of said power: Overuse of his powers can cause him to experience symptoms of oxygen toxicity
Backstory: To be determined
Personality: Quiet, seems shy. The type of person who stays leaned up against the wall at parties, always has his hands in his pockets. He's more the analytical type, though he lacks confidence in his abilities. He's nice enough, but tends to push people away.
Likes: windy days, tea, the sight of city lights at night
Dislikes: hot weather, loud noises, crowds
Strengths: He's quite clever. His powers are fairly strong, and in the right conditions, he is a formidable opponent
Weaknesses: He lacks confidence in any form, and also has a lower pain threshold than most people might expect.
Build/Body: About 5'9, thin and wiry
Skin: Very pale, sometimes it looks like it has a blue sheen to it
Face: thin, sharp features, angular midnight blue eyes
Hair: Straight light gray hair that comes down just to below his chin.
Clothes: Usually very loose-fitting clothes- preferably ones that allow for better air flow. Can be found in sweatpants and a sweatshirt most of the time
Extra: His hero costume is easily breathable so he can better use his powers. He often carries nitrogen canisters to somewhat mitigate the effects of oxygen toxicity.


Name: Akiro Seiji
Nickname: None; his hero name is Toxin.
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: If you ask him, he'll say he's an aromantic asexual. In reality, he's a panromantic demisexual.
Quirk/Power: Infection— Simply touching someone will cause them to immediately grow ill. A brief touch will cause them to feel light-headed and fatigued, while a prolonged touch lasting at least several seconds will cause the victim's veins to begin turning black and render them useless for several hours. (Side effects include fever, vomiting, bleeding from the mouth/eyes/nose/ ears, hallucinations, and in extreme conditions can be fatal.) He is immune to most illnesses.
Limitations of said power: Overuse of his power can result in him poisoning himself, though the affects on himself are milder than on others; also, although he can choose to release more or less of the toxin from his skin, he cannot turn it off completely, and it is not limited to his hands. Any skin-to-skin contact will result in the other person being affected, even if it is only mild.
Backstory: TBD but I guarantee it's rough
Personality: He comes off initially as a quiet, aloof guy who doesn't give a crap about anything and would rather just drink coffee in peace. He's not rude, per se, but he certainly doesn't seem kind or open either. He's reserved and will keep to himself under most circumstances. However, he's much kinder than he seems and cares deeply about way too much. He hates his powers and feels as if they have caused him to be distant from everyone else, but he wants to use them for good. He's fearful of turning to villainy, mostly because he occasionally feels tempted by it due to the nature of his powers and other factors. He tries to act like he is fairly confident in himself and his abilities, but this is not the case. He is pessimistic and independent. He longs for emotional connection with others but feels unable to achieve it because that would require social effort. He prefers working alone but will accept help when he needs it.
Likes: Nighttime. Winter. Sleeping. Cats, even though he can't pet them without gloves because they'll get sick, too. Learning new things. The stars. Drawing.
Dislikes: Himself. His powers. Bright sunlight. Summer in general. Large crowds. Sports.
Strengths: His powers double as a strength and weakness— powerful, but more dangerous than he'd like. He's incredibly stealthy and has a clever, strategic mind. He's incredibly intelligent and enjoys tinkering with gadgets and gizmos in his free time— probably because he can't make those sick. He has also learned a variety of hand-to-hand combat styles; without using powers, he would be difficult to beat one-on-one unless you were well-trained. Has a high pain tolerance and can be surprisingly self-sacrificial on behalf of others.
Weaknesses: His self-hatred and cynical nature make him susceptible to dark thoughts and possibly manipulation. He is distant and unlikely to tell others about his problems unless they manage to get him to open up. This "go at it alone" attitude may get him in over his head. Also trust issues and a debilitating fear of needles.
Build/Body: He stands at 5'10 with long limbs; somewhat lean, but mostly lanky.
Skin: Deathly pale; his eyes are usually bloodshot and sometimes there are bags under them. He naturally has a complexion of one who is a bit sickly— and unfortunate side effect of his powers.
Face: Sharp-ish features. He has thin lips, pale green eyes, and thick blond eyelashes. He would be traditionally attractive if it were not for the sickly complexion.
Hair: Messy white-blond hair that is constantly sticking up in every direction. He doesn't look like he bothers trying to control it.
Clothes: The color scheme of his costume is almost completely made up of blacks and dark greys, with some neon-green accenting. He wears a black mask over the lower half of his face; he can actually press a button on this to convert his breath into a toxic gas-like vapor that will leak into the air around him and affect others. His shirt is long sleeved, loose-fitting, and black in color with fabric that allows for easy movement but complete skin coverage. It also has a hood, though he usually doesn't wear it. A dark-grey belt with some of his gadgets on it keeps his shirt from flowing too loosely. He wears full-length black cargo pants which tuck into matching black combat boots with slight platforms to make him seem just a tad taller than he really is. He carries different gloves with him at all times; some are fingerless, some are not. He doesn't wear them during fights so that he can quickly use his hands if need be, but otherwise he prefers to keep them on to avoid any accidents.
Other: He has insomnia.


(Sorry, I vanished for a sec there… but I'm still alive, and if you guys want in, you're more than welcome. I'll try to post a starter whenever you guys get your characters signed up! If you have any questions, just lemme know.)