forum Just had my first D&D session, I wanna ramble about it
Started by @ZephirFox8812

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I just finished my first D&D session of a campaign. I am the DM and it is my first time DMing

It's honestly so much fun. I have A LOT of players, some weren't here but for this session, I had five permanent players, one that will come in and out, one was making a character, and three gnomes who showed up out of nowhere, have no stats, and just sit on our half-orc warlock's shoulders and speak in Spanish accents. We have a shy elf, a Dragonborn warship captain being hunted by his crew, a horny high elf paladin, a horny halfling bard, a must steal gold halfling rogue, and a half-orc warlock named Derek Derek who is the only sensible one and is currently avoiding his parents who are trying to make him go to the Law School in the 'home base' city which they are currently in.

I put them in a tavern (cliche, I know) and three of them decided to order the drink that made a patron immediately pass out at the bar, the halflings, and the elf paladin. They all blacked out before they even received the quest (and were carried to a room by Derek Derek). One of the gnomes rolled a nat 20 and now will never get drunk at all.

I'll probably use this chat to keep talking about my crazy, and massive party as they attempt to survive my wild campaign

@Tidermelon group

This should be interesting to follow! :) I’ve never played D&D, but I play other role playing games and I’ve been interested in it anyway. Excited to see how your next session goes!


The next session is today, and I'm so nervous, hopefully no one dies, our lowest health is literally just 6 hp

And half of them are gonna be hungover


@Katastrophic group

Sounds fun! I recommend making a Bingo sheet, we have one and each bingo in each session is an inspiration point our DM hands out (ofc, it can be for whatever or just fun!) it includes spaces like "Friendly fire" and "DM facepalms" and my personal favorite, " 'accidental' crimes." Also a few player or character-specific ones depending on who's playing in that campaign. With the vibes I'm getting from your summary I think it would fit very well x)


That sounds hilarious, thanks for the suggestion, definitely gonna take on board when my newer players are a bit more familiar with the game


We finished this session!

Once again, they didn't get as far as I thought they would, but I think that's because Derek Derek couldn't be there to keep them in line.

We gained another gnome.

Another fucking gnome.

They managed to get out of the tavern with much pushing from me as they kept trying to get more alcohol and flirt with the clearly a Lesbian bartender, Bec, who was sending them on the quest to check on her girlfriend. The halflings stood on each other's shoulders to flirt with the elf paladin, and the rogue, who was the base, robbed her.

They got a horse and cart, paid for by Bec, and were sent on their way. Quinn, the elf sorcerer, argued with Captain Freddy, the Dragonborn fighter, over who got to ride the horse, and Quinn won. Yennifer, the halfling bard, Nessa, the elf paladin, and Finnan, the halfling rogue, rode in the cart. And Derek Derek (controlled by his gnomes since he wasn't there), and Captain Freddy walked alongside.

They walked until dark and then made camp in a clearing found by Captain Freddy. Finnan then tried to light a campfire and succeeded, while lighting himself on fire as well. He rolled on the ground to put it out and lit the dry grass on fire. Luckily, Quinn had the mold earth spell and threw the area into the river.

Yennifer attempted a lullaby, AKA 'Say No to This' from Hamilton, and sung great but fell over. Nessa used the Message cantrip to say to Yennifer 'You're a whore' and Yennifer responded with 'No you'.

Captain Freddy did the first watch and did very well, but it was an uneventful watch. Finnan took second watch and continued his terrible dice roll streak and did terribly, he completely missed the people coming up to attack them. They shot an arrow into the tree next to him and then we had to end the session.

I'm so disappointed in them. We need Derek Derek back.