forum I Don't Think I'm Meant To Do Art...
Started by @SingSongKV group

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@SingSongKV group

Recently i've been writing with the intent to make some sort of comic, but everytime I try to draw (in a practiced constructive way, instead of doodling randomly) I get emotionally and mentally overwhelmed and I quit (as a person with ADHD this happens ALOT)

Is there anything I could do to fix this?

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Take it slow. Rome wasn't built in a day.
Draw little things, maybe a small cartoon rabbit. It may not be what you want to draw, but you need to build up the confidence to actually sit down and do it first. Drawing is a hard hobby and I am by no means an expert, but when my art gets overwhelming I like to step back, do something else and then come back to it in an hour or so when I've had time to calm down.

Getting overwhelmed with things is frustrating and can throw you off, but just pause, take a deep breath, go watch YouTube for a while and come back and try again. Don't give up so easily, but remember to be gentle with yourself :))

@SingSongKV group

Thank you for replying to this post, i didn't expect such a fast response! 😂 I just tend to have a easier time with the stuff that isn't study-based, because my perfectionism makes it difficult to attempt copying tutorials, but I feel like I should do a more structured approach, but my brain won't let.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

I get that lol, I flunked out of school cause of how hard I couldn't study 💀💀

Drawing shouldn't feel like a task. Don't force yourself, do it when you feel inspired. Perfectionism is a hell of a beast, but you gotta remind yourself that even the greats started with wonky lines and funny proportions.