forum how would your characters say 'I love you' without saying it?
Started by @softredscrunchie group

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@softredscrunchie group

chaya: puts herself in the line of fire, or, more simply, just makes breakfast
aviva: gives books that remind her of the loved one
isaac: really over-does it on his apologies
josef: similar to chaya – puts himself in the line of fire, always has very passionate defense

@Itzkitty group

andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer): I appreciate you.. a lot
Aaron: You know, you're pretty awesome, not as awesome as me of course.
Ghast: F*ck off would you? Wait I didn't mean it.
Killian: -Awkward staring-

@emilyevewrites group

Farah: will put herself in danger or literally sacrifice herself for you
Saul: gives off "I hate everyone but you" energy, but he really doesn't hate everyone, he just loves you so much
O'Hara: lets you call her by her first name
Anna: looks surprised for a second, but quickly becomes her usual softie adorable self I love you too.
Eleanor: looks accepting but also a bit confused You do? But… why?
Adalyn: blushes Oh… thank you…
Fleur: Je t'adore aussi! kisses on both cheeks

@IcarusFightsTheSun book

maddie:"talking to you feels like sitting on clouds and falling though them at the same time"
koco:"thanks like you too, as a friend :)"
maddie:dies inside

Beake:curses koco to make maddie fall in love with him and all it goes horribly wrong

@Cecil-sixx-gold17 group

Simon: hugs from behind, grabby hands to cuddle, getting plushies for their partners, drawing shit for them too
CJ: Putting on a show their partners like, making breakfast, being protective, hugs, squeezing their partners hands
Henry: hugs (they all like hugs), giving desserts, ordering food, giving trinkets, going on a walk together, picking out cool stuff for his partners
Dean: Giving his clothes to his partners, cuddles, making coffee or tea for them, hand holding, hugs, kisses, really just touching them
Asia: Squeezing Logan’s hand, making him tea, drawing on his hands and arms, drawing him, notes and compliments
Logan: Hugs and cuddles, bringing Asia food while she’s animating, putting blankets on her when she falls asleep, getting her plushies


Hector: Says he likes spending time with you
Kenzo: Cooks you food and takes you everywhere you want to go. Would do anything for you and always pays attention to what you say.
Silvia: Kills you. (yeah, you don't want silvia to like you…)


Cassie: Names a plant after them
Odalia: Tells them they trust them, and tells them important things about herself (She has trust issues, so this is kinda huge)
Adela: Making them little trinkets
Jo: Playful shoulder punches, all of the physical contact
Jared: He just doesn't.
Collin: Rants about his favorite things, all the time
Jonah: The Intense (and also awkward) Gay Stare

Deleted user

Marley: When she starts talking uncontrollably about things that interest her, being excessively clingy
Grayson: Starts cursing and yelling at you (Affectionately)
Abraham: Physical touch, words of affirmation, and lots of gifts.
Victor: Staying stoic and silent and kind of just staring.

Marley, confused and shocked at the massive difference between everyone interested in her:


SkullFace: I'm…not exactly good at showing affection…but out of all the mouse-brain cats in this clan…your the one i like the most…


Nyasha- takes her sunglasses off and looks away
Connor- brushes your hair with his special comb
Bibiana- shares her past
Mavis- stops standing rigid and perfect


Raialyn - just….stares at you. a lot.
Glorren - is like overly protective about you
Haryon - will literally kill anyone who comes within 100 miles of you

@TheWholeShebang group

Rose: Teases you, talks to you a lot and tells you all her favorite stories, fake flirting that isn't actually fake
Iris: Let's you hold her hand or stand really close, talks to you about her worries, verbally destroys anyone who messes with you
Nic: so much physical affection oh god, makes you little gifts, cooks comfort foods for you
Kain: speaks softer with you than most, opens up to you, smiles like an idiot every time he sees you, would both die and kill for you


Satoka has two things she does. She has done both of them for Mello
1:Puts a Hershey's Kiss on Mello's head and giggles. You've been kissed!
2: Verbally wreck those who hurt or offend Mello


Tye: Let's you hug him and do his hair.
Bee: Will give her clothes to you.
Cade: Let's you try to play his guitar.

@aekv group

Amethyst: watches her favorite movie(s) with you, acts more sweet/bubbly, and takes you to explore her home
Cloud: encourages you to hold/cuddle/play with his birds, and gardens/grows flowers of all colors/shapes/sizes for you
Jess: protective and defensive over you. she's all for pampering you like a treasure, because that was never an option in her life.
Terra: really leans in to the "cool girl" act. she just wants to feel like a normal person and it seeps into everything she does.
Tricky: somewhere between longing glances from afar and being openly hostile to you.
Vesper: playing with your hair, (jokingly) pestering you more often, and so, so flirty
Zephyr: smiles more often, somehow more protective of you, and allowing you to patch up their wounds


Masako: Tried her hardest to please Hikari and protect him from the awful truth of her past.
Hikari ended up finding out and it essentially went like this:
Masko: Very quietly Please don't hate me for my secret. I was trying to protect you from the truth. You taught me what it means to feel loved, and to love someone else. I didn't want you to get hurt.
Hikari: Masako, I'd never hate you for anything. You're still my daishinuu. You've always just wanted me to be happy. Hugs Masako.
Author's Note:
Daishinuu is a Japanese word that means the best of all of one's friends.


just wrote a story for class where the plot is exactly that. Characters can't say I love you to each other. so instead they end up saying anything else:
Are you sure you’re okay?
Are you okay to walk or do you want to take the bus?
We’ll walk slow.
I missed you too
I’ll watch more with you, if you want
Why don’t you stay the night?
Tell me where it hurts
I’m real glad you’re here
Of course, man. I’d do anything for you
I was worried about you
What did you need?
Enough. That's enough, big guy
Stay with me, okay?

These are all specific phrases where one of them wanted to say "I love you," but couldn't.


"You know how parents always ask you, 'If your friends jumped off a cliff, would you?' well I would."

@im-with-stoopid pets

Naveil isn't exactly a lovey guy. Not much time for that when your fighting for survival every day for 8 years.
If he loved you, he'd try to act like how his dad did for him instead of his usual snarky "who the fuck are you" attitude.
If you were half-dead, he'd poke at you to make sure you weren't dead-dead. He'd share his food, maybe.

Meanwhile if Salmook loved you, he'd be wrapped around your leg like a sloth on a tree, and if you were ever out of his sight, he'd have an absolute breakdown-