forum How to make my characters private to my players?
Started by Fake Name Premium Supporter

people_alt 62 followers

Fake Name Premium Supporter

I invited some of my players to be Contributor's, so they could make their pc in the universe and would be able to add their own details. Though I came to realize that every player can see the other players sheets. This means any secrets one might have could be revealed if they simply look at the other persons sheet. How do I make the players sheet private so only I or the creator of the sheet can look at is details? Or is their a way to set certain info to private?

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Right now, contributors get full permissions to see and edit everything in the universe they're contributing to; I want to refine these permissions in the future but it's on the to-do list for now.

One thing you could do is have each of your players add their characters to their own universe and add you as a contributor to each of them, so only they and you would be able to see it (and then they could manage whether that page/universe is public/private for the other players). Another thing that might work is having a separate "Private" universe (or multiple) that players are contributors to (so both you and them can see the shared pages), but to also have a singular "Public" universe to move pages into whenever you want them to become common knowledge to the group.

Do either of these approaches work? I'd like to add more granular sharing options, especially with contributors, but right now contributors basically have the same rights as the universe owner (other than being able to take things out of the universe).