forum Have you ever planned a character that makes you delighted at your own genius?
Started by @NijiT group

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@NijiT group

Yeah like the title says. Sometimes I'll look back at my characters of months and years ago and smirk at how clever I was. Or the opposite, where I would laugh or cringe at a character I formerly thought was amazing. Comment which character if this has happened n why if u wanna.

@tomat brightness_7

when I look back in time, I absolutely am blown away by my brilliance. I've got a lot of characters that have their own backstory and when I follow every step I made determining it it's so satisfying how everything fits itself like pieces of jigsaw puzzles. everything seems random or casual, but then all the dots connect and become a coherent totality. I'm impressed that I was able to pull all of this off. I also love how my characters changed, from being a white sheet of black letters to actual people that could really exist (excluding the fantasy parts ^-^). they all seem so real now, oh, I'll never regret becoming a writer.