forum character's responses to someone asking them "how are you doing?"
Started by @AsterOfTheEnd group

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@Eli-the-transboi group

Kathy: Terrible- thanks for askin! Why? Oh I’m havin to deal with insanity and bloodstained clothes! But I like the bloodstained part- it’s the voices that bother me. And lets not mention the people I kill! HAH- all assholes!

@andrew flash_on

Alissa: Eyes gleam dangerously That depends - are you willing to be my slave or do I have to force you? She smiles slightly, revealing flawless white teeth Remember, either option you chose you become my toy for me to do whatever I please to. . . the only difference is whether I force your mind to its knees and shatter it completely, or if I leave you merely mute from pain.

Trianna: Grins cheekily I smelled a grilled cheese sandwhich from two streets away and tracked it and bought it and then ate it, so I'm doing fine.

@maglo-the-stressed-person language

Isa: "I'm alright. Haven't been horribly wounded in a week!
Raiki: "Doing great! Its a full moon tonight, so I'm going to go for a nice midnight jog.
Shiori: "Did you know this town has a library! Its amazing!"
Mateo: "I have officially joined the workforce. Whoo-hoo. I want to go home."

@Eli-the-transboi group

Buba: I got to play with my big brother! And patch!! Oh! And Kiki! smiles and i got to eat cookies!

Goi: ….im- fine- just- saw some things…

Kiki: …….hides behind goi im ok-

@trainwreck404 group

Simon: I sure am doing! How goes it for you?
CJ: It's been…a year. A decade, really. Sorry, we don't needta talk about me. How're you doin'?
Logan: Fine, I guess. You? (is not fine oh my god)
Dean: Good, you?
Henry: I am doing fantastic today, my dear. And how are you?

Deleted user

Nikita: Oh me? Oh i'm doing fiinneeeee. Yep, completely a-okay! Nothin' wrong here, awkward laugh

falls flat on her face and starts loudly sobbing

Deleted user

Vikki: (glares) Who's asking and why?
Vikki: Percy sent you, didn't he?
Vikki: Tell him he can beep off.
Sydney: Did… Did you just say "beep?"
Vikki: (under her breath) Mercy says I'm not allowed to curse anymore…

Gemma: (with exaggerated cheerfulness) Surprisingly well! I haven't had any PTSD nightmares in nearly a week!

Phoenix: I'm fine. :)
Shaziri: (from the other room) LIAR!
Phoenix: Ignore her. :)
Shaziri: (stomping in) Did you just tell them to IGNORE me–?!
Phoenix: (running from the room) I'm less fine–!

Shaziri: I, for the record, am wonderful.

Deleted user

Alissa: Eyes gleam dangerously That depends - are you willing to be my slave or do I have to force you? She smiles slightly, revealing flawless white teeth Remember, either option you chose you become my toy for me to do whatever I please to. . . the only difference is whether I force your mind to its knees and shatter it completely, or if I leave you merely mute from pain.

Alissa, please. Eat a snickers.

@andrew flash_on

Gemma: (with exaggerated cheerfulness) Surprisingly well! I haven't had any PTSD nightmares in nearly a week!

(Hey my name XD also did you reach into my brain? Cus like- god lmao)

@andrew flash_on

Alissa: Eyes gleam dangerously That depends - are you willing to be my slave or do I have to force you? She smiles slightly, revealing flawless white teeth Remember, either option you chose you become my toy for me to do whatever I please to. . . the only difference is whether I force your mind to its knees and shatter it completely, or if I leave you merely mute from pain.

Alissa, please. Eat a snickers.

Lol the only "snickers" she eats is the laughs of the people she breaks

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(Oh my gosh, Gemma is your name?? Weird coincidence… XD Also, Alissa is legitimately terrifying, and I can only see her as some eldritch horror with soulless eyes, well done)