forum Can you add photos within pages (not in gallery)?
Started by @Leatherfaceofficial group

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@Serpentess health_and_safety language

The only way that I know of to add pics to the character page itself is by copy/pasting the link of the photo. Basically, the same way you would post the pic on the forums. It’ll just show up as the link though, instead of showing the photo like it would in the gallery.

I may be wrong though, but that’s what I know. Hope this helps, grin.

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Including images is actually a little-known feature that I should probably make more known, now that I think about it!

But, since all field support Markdown formatting, you can embed an image anywhere you want with the following syntax:

![alt text](url to image)

For example,

![A test image of a test](

in a field (with or without other text also) results in:

The alt text is shown to screenreaders and anyone that hovers over the image (and if the image fails to load for any reason).