forum Aphantasia
Started by @ZephirFox8812

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For anyone wondering, aphantasia is the inability to see images in your minds eye. For example you try to imagine an apple. Some people may see a detailed apple that they can imagine every marking on. They can turn it in their mind, change lighting or colour. Some people may just see a solid red or green or whatever colour apple. Or some may see nothing, they only know they are thinking about an apple.

I have aphantasia. I can't see anything.

I honestly didn't know that people could actually see things in their mind until a month or two ago when I watched a video about aphantasia and realised that my seeing nothing wasn't normal.

Does anyone else have aphantasia, or think they do? Or are you just curious to learn more? Ask questions here! Or share your own experience.

I can't copy links on this device so I can't give you a link to the test that is mainly used. Look up aphantasia test or VVIQ, I'm sure it'll be there

Deleted user

Woahh, that's so cool! I know I don't have this, cause I actually have a photographic memory, but this is super interesting. So does this happen with colors too or just objects? Like if someone said the color yellow, could you see this color in your head?


It happens with colours, yes! I cannot visualise anything and therefore can't see the colour yellow in my head, I know I'm thinking about it though and can recall it from memory
Some mild cases may be able to see colours or blurry images but I cannot


I just tested my parents and grandmother whoalso apparently don't see anything and now they think anyone who can visualise imagery in their mind is lying

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

I don't have it but I'm very interested in the idea. The only issue with being able to picture things in your head is that when I draw things I can never get it to match the image in my head :') Do artists with aphantasia experience the same problem but in a different way?


Well, in my case I struggle with drawing things with out reference, especially things I'm not the most familiar with, such as character markings, hairstyles and poses. Since I have to work from memory, things that I've drawn previously are more likely to work out better.

To have expectations for a drawing I need to compare it to the level of a previous drawing or to someone else's which always ends badly.

Before I draw I usually think something like 'this character is gonna be facing left, looking over his shoulder, with his foot on this rock' for example. But it never really works out as well as I think it will

@JustALostM book

I just looked at my sister- I closed my eyes and saw the outline- a Detailed outline with no colors but when I looked at the star it was harder for me to think it.

@Becfromthedead group

Hm, I've heard of this before. Like I can think in detail about something, but I don't ever see anything when asked to picture something.
So who knows, I may have aphantasia as well.