forum Advice on writing a FTM character?
Started by @Anyanka99 groupoh shit waddup

people_alt 58 followers

@Anyanka99 groupoh shit waddup

Hi! I have this character who was originally a cis man but I'm thinking it would be interesting and make some sense in my plot for him to be a trans man. I, myself am nonbinary; so I know what it's like to know you're not a girl but I feel like this is a little outside my experience range and am looking for advice, either from actual trans people or resources on the matter. Either way any advice would be much appreciated.

@Guapeton group

Well, Google can always help along with psychiatric evaluations of your character before and after their transition and what kind of effect it has/had on people their life from the moment they told someone how they felt about the transition also how much it hurts or bothers them buy calling them by their old name (which in the lgbtq+ community is often known as a dead name). It also depends on how long it's been since their transition and how they are/ have adjusted but don't make the story revolv around the fact that their trans or sxuality. I hope this helped a bit.