language Meladina Timeline

A timeline of all major events in Meladina's history.

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341 B1E

The Shattering of The Heavens


The day the War of The Celestials began and the Ancients were split into different races by the gods to fight in their armies.


This war was between Attamar, God of Might and the rest of the Celestials.

In this event
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309 B1E

Moon Crater


Aydel, God of The Moon, in a battle against Attamar, uses gravity magic to lift a large portion of the planet into the air to seal Attamar inside but fails as Attamar sends the giant sphere into orbit. This sphere becomes Mel-A's second moon.


The crater is filled with water and is now the home of an underwater city built by a private corporation to provide housing for the workers and machines that mine the inside of the crater for precious magical crystals and metals.

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297 B1E

The Carving of Lake Solaris


A fierce battle between Attamar and Solaris, Goddess of The Sun tears a gash in the earth which diverts many rivers and is filled with water, which creates Lake Solaris. The battle ended in victory for Attamar.


Lake Solaris goes on to become a hub of civilization outside the 5 nations due to the residual magic in the area making it mineral-rich and extremely fertile.

In this event
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284 B1E

The Sundering of Humanity


The humans most loyal to Attamar are imbued with his power and become the first Demons. In contrast, the humans most loyal to Maethrillian, God of Magic, are imbued with his power and become the first Angels.


The initial number of Demons was 793.
The initial number of Angels was 1,216.

In this event
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282 B1E

The All Fairies Chorus


A group of Woodland Elves forms The Cult of The Fairies, in response Rozan, God of Life turns the cult members into the first Fairies.


The initial number of Fairies was 354.

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282 B1E

Sphere of Broken Dreamers


The members of the Dreaming God Cult are transformed into the first Dreamwalkers by Aydel.


The initial number of Dreamwalkers was 528.

In this event
  • ac_unit Deities 1
Time label

281 B1E

Solaris' Chosen Few


Solaris chooses a few of her most devoted followers to become the only known Sundyals.


There were a grand total of 14 Sundyals, but they were much more powerful than the other gods' new toys.

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279 B1E

Aster's Night Sky Bombardment


Goddess of Stars, Aster, unleashes a worldwide bombardment of catastrophic proportions which destroys much of the surface of Mel-A.


Three-quarters of the world's population is either incinerated by or killed in the aftermath of the bombardment.