forum "Pass the story?" Add one to two sentences, only rule is just make grammatical sense to the best of your ability!
Started by @p3ncil

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((There's actually a really cool writing website called I'm admin there, so you can find me as Golden! if you have any questions. You should check it out. You can make word games like this, there's a whole section for that, or actually write a first chapter and other people can continue it. You could also draft on other stories. I suggest checking it out, it's pretty cool!))

Deleted user

I grabbed is chin and turned it so he was forced to stare into my eyes. "I'm crazier."


His eyes were keeping a secret, one that he shouldn't have to keep, but shouldn't have to tell. "If you're here, you're crazy for a reason."


"Touche." His gaze washed over me like a winter breeze–chilling, yet exciting. Leaning in close, he murmured into my ear, "I'm here to kidnap you….I mean, I could just take you out to dinner instead, but where's the fun in that?"

@Lapyn group

Honestly, I didn't mind being kidnapped if it meant getting out of this dreadfully boring dump. Bring on the blindfolds, I guess.


He smirked at me, then said, "Maybe some other time when I'm not being paid to do this," He then leaned in close, breath tingling on my ear as he whispered, "You would be delightful company."


He hugs me and whispers into my ear "Kidnap you and holding you for ransom" I feel panic "Then why don't you do it, Sir?" i ask nervously.