forum Not a horror prompt, just based off a really dark(or should I say ‘light’) story
Started by @Darkblossom group

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@Darkblossom group

I watched the demon dance about in glee, the rune engraved into my right hand bleeding profusely. I had done it, I had killed him, and now my soul was forever gone to the sun.

@Darkblossom group

And another:
I watched as my wings were cut. First the left, then the right. I heard a scream. I looked at the trees, covered in blood, white fire burning them. Ash filled the air, and I couldn’t breath. The knife had stole a piece of my soul, and the magic that had created me was failing. She looked grim as she burned my blood, a demon dancing in my peripheral vision. It said something about this being the last kill. I could only wonder what that meant, until the knife plunged again, and darkness overcame me. I am in the sun now, slowly burning, for eternity.

@Echo_6 group

Alright, challenge accepted, hopefully you like it.

I woke hours later, my head pounding and everything looking fuzzy. I suddenly remembered where I had been, panic filled my chest and I jumped up. Pain exploded though my body and I collapsed. Cold rain spattered across my face and I realized that I was on earth again, and it was the middle of the night. This was possibly a good thing, but it was more likely bad. I couldn't stand, my powers had been stripped from me, and for some reason I was no longer in the sun. That is where I had been cursed to stay for all eternity, why the hell wasn't I there? Why was I complaining about this? Something made a sound not far from me, the demon was probably back to put me back in the sun. Great. The sky suddenly lit up and outlined a person standing next to me. Thunder followed the flash of lightning and I was deafened. My head thrummed and everything was getting blurry again. Before long everything had spiraled into an empty blackness.
It wasn't until morning that I awoke next, the pounding head ache that I'd had was now reduced to a dull ache. I sat up and winced, my entire core still hurt but it was less than what it had been. I only just realized that I was sitting on a bed of some kind, in a house. I was in a house, there was a person standing in the house that I was in they might panic if they saw me. Wait no, they're probably the one that brought me here, and if that was the case that meant that they'd already seen me. Nevertheless I had already panicked and fallen off the bed.
"What the hell are you doing?" the person asked looking more disappointed than anything else.
"I, uh, fell," I stammered feeling stupid when the person gave me a look of annoyance.
"No duh Sherlock, anyone could see that you fell. The question is why? Do you have any idea how long I spent fixing you? What did you do fall from the sky? You have four broken ribs, a fractured spleen, a strange puncture wound through your lower gut, and a concussion. I spent five hours just trying to keep you from having permanent brain damage, you had internal bleeding in your left temple as well. Please do not make me fix you anymore than I already have. Also who are you?" the man was rubbing his eyes. Eye, he only had one eye, what had happened to the other one? Where was I and why had this man gone through that much trouble to help me, was there a catch? What was going on? "Hello? Buddy, do you even speak English? I know other languages. Spanish, Chinese, Portages, Elvish, Dwarvish, Latin, Romanian, Danish, something give me something. I can't work off of nothing. Do you even talk at all, I know sign language," he made some hand gestures that I didn't understand. He knew Dwarvish? and Elvish? Those were languages, that you could learn?
"Um, my name is Baltimore, who are you?" I finally managed.
"Ah, so it does talk," he replied sarcastically. "My name's Hosea, I'm a healer of Rothe."
"Where?" I asked looking at him like he was crazy.
"You've never been here before have you," Hosea suddenly looked like a light bulb had been turned on. "Okay, long story short you are on what is known as Earth backwards. Literally everything about this just Earth backwards. We are in the area known as Napaj. On Earth it's called Japan, you see what I'm saying? Backwards. This planet is what is also known as a cross roads of sorts. It's tied to lots of different planets in the known universe. Some out of the known universe. And we're tied to those other planets by cuts. Or as some people call them portals, they are everywhere and super annoying to fall into. Getting off topic. Anyway, these cuts allow people and other things to travel between planets with no time involved. My guess is that you are from some other planet and you fell through a cut. Is all of this making any sense to you at all?" Hosea suddenly paused looking at me hopefully.
"I'm gonna be honest with you, that explains so much of my life," I answered.
'Okay good, I was beginning to worry that none of what I just said made any sense," Hosea seemed relived.
"My life doesn't make sense at all soooo."
"GODDAMMIT!!!" Hosea threw his arms up. He started rubbing his temples again looking more like an old man than he had before. "Where are you from? We'll go from there."
"Earth I guess," I said slowly. I had pulled myself off the ground by this point and was now standing with the bed in between the two of us.
"Good," he paused for a minute. "Are you sure? You don't look like you're from Earth," he paused again looking as if he was trying to find the right words. "You're… ah……… Glowing."
I blinked trying to decide if he was joking or not. "Excuse me?"
"Yeah you're glowing, I figured it was a normal thing on the planet that you were from, but I've been to Earth many times, people don't glow. That's not to say it's a bad thing, unless it is, but it doesn't look bad. I'm sorry I am no good at trying to make people feel better," Hosea seemed to give up. He sat down and pressed his palms into his forehead.
I was glowing, that shouldn't have been possible, my power was gone, my wings had been clipped. Maybe I still had some of my power. That could explain why I wasn't in the sun, maybe I'd used some of the power I still possessed and I'd gotten myself out. That could possibly mean that I could get all of my power back.
"What are you talking about?" Hosea asked, looking at me like I'd grown a second head.
"I said all of that out loud didn't I," I stated. He nodded still looking confused. "Take me back to Earth I'll explain on the way."

That ended up way longer than I had intended but it was fun. Hopefully you enjoyed.