forum Monthly One-Word Prompts
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(Ok this is Mika, basically the bad guy is making all the 'halfbloods' serve in the war, it's set in the future and he's a hacker trying to help halfbloods by changing their legal status to 'pureblood', it's a long story)

I don't call myself a rebel. It's the wrong word. And I'm not a spy, or a genius, or a hero. I'm not anything you think of when you hear the word rebel: brave, strong, independent, mysterious, handsome, tough, a leader. I'm the opposite. But I guess, technically, kind of, I am supposed to be a rebel.
I wouldn't say I like rebelling. I don't do anything for the adrenaline, or because I want to fight the bad guys. I just wanted to help the good guys.
Shaciel is one of the good guys. It was kind of hard to tell, no, really hard to tell when I first saw her, smashing through my window with blood dripping from her mouth and hands, eyes blazing and snarling like a monster. At least I didn't run and hide - who am I kidding, I just stood there, frozen, holding my hands up. Again, not much of a rebel.
But she is one of the good guys, and when she appeared again, this time not so feral, this time just scared like me and looking for help, I lied again. On the internet, neatly typed in a small white box, you would have found the lie, 'No'. No, this girl is not a halfblood. No, this girl is not going to die.
You would have, if I hadn't been so stupid. I'll always hate myself for that stupid, stupid mistake. It was just a little test. Just a little DNA. Just a little confirmation that, in fact, Shaciel was not a pureblood at all. Just a little army to be sent to, just a little battlefield waiting to swallow us up, just because of one stupid little mistake.
What kind of rebel tricks the greatest enemy, and then whips off the disguise right in front of them?
I don't call myself a rebel anymore.

(yea too short again)

Deleted user

I like the freedom of how you tell the story where it’s super reflective and such.

Remember it doesn’t matter how long it is! Just as long as it’s something…. :3

@Echo_6 group

Tolkalee paced back and forth across the room. He was alone at the moment, in his little concealed house. Between the roots of a tree. He knew what he was doing, and he wasn't sure if it was the right or wrong thing. Spying on the ninja for his General, and spying on his General for the ninja. How do you know if that's the right thing to do? But he was doing it. Playing two parts. General Hosea, and Tolkalee Sylali. Lucky for him, he had a twin that could play the part of Hosea while he played Tolkalee. In an hour he would head back towards where Kara and her army waited. Why didn't he just disappear? He could, but there was one that would be able to find him, and that was Seth. He did not want to be found when he disappeared, and if he did it now there was no way that Kara wouldn't send Seth after him.
Something creaked across the room. He stopped and looked, a skinny mouse had frozen in place looking at him with wide eyes. It had nothing more than a tiny crumb in it's hands. "Well hello," Tolkalee whispered. He knew it could hear him. "Would you like something a little more than that?" he asked like it could understand him. He moved slowly over to the counter where he had a piece a loaf of bread. Pulling a small piece off he crept back over towards the mouse. It panicked and ran farther away, before stopping and looking back. The crumb it had was sitting there on the shelf. Tolkalee reached it and set the piece of bread down next to the crumb. Then he walked away, glancing back to see the mouse returning to the spot, look after him, and then disappear with the piece of bread. He could hear the small thank you float through the air from the mouse.
His mind wandered to something Kara had told him a long time ago.
"We're no different from each other," she'd told him. "We think the same, act the same, and know the same things. We're practically the same person living in different bodies."
"No we're not," Tolkalee said out loud to himself. "You're crazy, and violent, and you don't know how to show compassion. You have no remorse," he decided after a moment. He picked up his backpack and walked to the door. At the entrance he turned and looked back at the cold quiet room. "I do," and he shut the door.

Deleted user

Ohhah meee gawwwwsh
That was incredibly intriguing…. I honestly want to read more, lol…..

I am currently working on my own, and it should be ready soon.
(Hopefully more people show up by then, but thank you Rachel McOmber! I hope to see you here more often :3)


Nay that was good I can tell how much you improved (I didn't get a notification thing when you posted so yea)
Tbh I'm kind of scared of Ness
Next prompt??

Deleted user

Hold up
This just in
The April prompt is (and get this–)



Deleted user

I mistyped….
The prompt is


(How disappointing)

@Echo_6 group

An explosion shook the room, Tolkalee was hit by the blast and sent careening into stack of boxes. Some broke as he hit them, others fell on him. His dagger clattered to the ground across the room. As he tried to get up a box fell on his back knocking him down again. He groaned as he pushed himself up again. His ears were ringing, his head was pounding, he was exhausted, and he was wounded.
He scanned the warehouse for his opponents, they were gone. "Mimes," he hissed to himself. "Had to be mimes, couldn't be a giant, or an army, nope, it's mimes."
They'd been picking him apart for several minutes now. He had no warning, no indication of where they were coming from. They would just appear and he couldn't react fast enough. There were four of them, all silent killers. He would spot one and face it to make sure it couldn't catch him off guard, and one would appear behind him. He had several cuts on his back and arms, many bruises, and now a broken rib.
Something moved out of the corner of his eye. He turned and could see one of them moving like some sort of demon towards him. The movements weren't natural, stiff and jerky. Tolkalee's eyes widened as he realized that he'd turned to look at this one.
His crystal necklace flashed and began glowing, instantly time slowed. He turned and spotted the two lunging for him, they were frozen, but he wasn't. Tolkalee dodged out of their reach, and grabbed his dagger just as time returned to normal. The two that were lunging for him flew into the one that had caught his attention. Ha! That's what you get! he thought. Then he counted them, there were only three. Before he could turn a kick sent him flying through the air. He went through a window landing on the ground outside.
Rain was pouring on him now, he had mud along his left side, but he was on his feet again. The sun had gone down several hours ago, it was pitch black. Great, I already can't hear them at all, now I'll barely be ably to see them, he groaned inwardly. Despite himself he called out to them. "That all you got! Pathetic!"
Lightning flashed revealing all four of them standing just outside the warehouse. A moment later thunder deafened him.
Tolkalee gave a sigh, he'd been trying to avoid actually fighting them. He figured that it would be better to take a beating and get them without hurting them. Now he was thinking that he had no choice but to actually fight back. If this went on he'd end up dead, and these people, these mimes, had already slaughtered to many people, and they would kill more. They deserve to die he shook his head. No one deserves to die. It's just unavoidable sometimes. And this is one of those times.
Keeping his eyes on all four of his opponents, he swapped out his dagger for his short sword. They charged, scattering out around him. Tolkalee allowed time to slow again, not by much, just enough for him to be fast then them.
He ducked under one, as it lashed at his neck, and slit it's throat without a hesitation. It dropped like a rock, blood pooling around it's head. Tolkalee looked at the other three, they were staring at him, and the dead one at his feet. They almost looked confused, they had been winning, where had this sudden skill come from?
"Come on!" he challenged raising his voice above the pouring rain. "You wanted this fight!" he flicked his sword hard removing all the blood from it. They shared a look between themselves, as if deciding if they should attack or not. They must have decided to attack, because that's what they did. They didn't last very long. Tolkalee took down the second one, then the third. It took seconds, and the four was on the ground dead at Tolkalee's feet. He seemed to be standing in the middle of all four of them.
Demon Warrior something hissed in the back of his head. He shook his head, sending water droplets everywhere, sheathed his sword, and began walking away. Lightning flashed again, thunder followed not far behind, as he limped away. He was drenched, beaten, bloody, muddy, injured, exhausted, and cold. But the fight was over and he was headed home. Still on his feet.

There we go, I hope you like it. And if you would like to criticize it please do, I could use the criticism.


That was interesting. I liked it. Just seemed a little unbalanced, like the fight scene should be the climax but you didn't spend enough on it.
Well…I guess I will post the second prompt although no one will try it…


For mimes, I just wrote a poem

The mimes, the mimes, they fill my mind
Looking, pulling, twisting time
The mimes, the mimes, won't go away
They want me to leave
I want to stay

The mimes, the mimes, fill underneath
Below hair, behind eyes, breaking my teeth
The mimes, the mimes, they lift their hands
They never know
Just who I am

The mimes, the mimes, they express thought
Don't speak, don't say whose battle's fought
The mimes, the mimes, they're stuck in me
But they don't know
Who I can be

@Dragoncita group

Prompt: Sleep

The crystal-like dragonelle watched as her two chicks scampered around the cave, chasing one another, chirruping as they went. One of the chicks was crystal like, much like its mother, as the other was darker, not having such a crystalline look compared to its sibling, and slightly larger.
Rosaria Crystalwing, as was her name, kept an ever watchful eye. Her blue eyes landed upon the entrance, where a massive boulder currently blocked most of it, a precaution her mate put in place. The dragonelle's gaze shifted back down as she heard a soft cry. As she looked over, the larger of the chicks had pinned his smaller sibling under him. The crystal beast's eyes narrowed, releasing a rumble which caught the attention of both chicks.
"Nerius! Please be more careful of your little sister," her voice scolded.
The two dragon chicks both scuttled over to their mother, the larger one's tail tucked between his legs. The pair came to rest between their mother's paws, lifting up onto their hindlegs, pawing gently at her chest. The large dragonelle leaned her head down, the once angry rumble quieting down into a soft prrum. Small wisps of smoke seemingly escaped her nostrils, causing the small chick that resembled her to try and bat at it.
A soft chuckle came from Rosaria, "Alright little ones, it is time for your nap."
Hearing her voice, the chicks both instantly curled up into small balls in front of her, nestling close to her chest. Rosaria seemed to beam, her crystalline form seeming to shine despite the darkness of the cave. A smile crossed her muzzle as she looked downwards, continuing to prrum.
"Sleep…and dream my chicks. Dream of flying across vast skies, scouting open plains for prey. Sleep and dream of great forests filled with trees, mountains spanning the horizons. You will find many treasures, and bring them back to your own caves…"
Rosaria slowly lowered her head, being careful as she did, "When you wake, daddy will have brought you both something. Food and treasure for the little ones when they wake…"

@Echo_6 group

This is a thing for Ship

She waited on the shore, watching the ship leave. The sun in her face, sinking into the water. A few clouds on the horizon and a light breeze shaking the beach grass. Her white dress trailed back, waving in the wind. Strands of her golden hair blowing in her face.
As the sun sank out of sight, so did the ship as it sail away, with white sails raised to the sky. The sky now a deep purple and growing darker, she did not move. A cold wind set in, now whipping across the shore, blowing sand into her face.
Her cheeks were stained with dry tears, and her eyes were a light dull gray. The ship continued without stopping, taking her heart with it. Darkness settled on the land, the moon covered back dark clouds that moved in. A woman came out and guided her off the shore and into a house.
Night came with no sleep. Wind howled, rain pounded, and waves crashed. Lightning illuminated the clouds, and thunder deafond her.
For days she sat at the window, and waited. Waited for her heart to return. The woman watched her solemnly, knowing an awful truth. One that she could not bring herself to share.
A misty morning arrived and a bell was sounded. She arose and raced out of the house. The woman watched her leave, tears rolling down her face.
Wind whipping her face, her feet pounding on the earth, her breathing out of her own control, she reached the dock. A ship had come into port. The mist was clearing, she could see the splintered wood, the scorch marks, and the white torn sails. Men were coming off the ship. Some were limping, some were fine, some were on stretchers, all looked dead inside. And many came in wooden beds, with silk lining. This wasn't the ship that she had watched leave, she realized with a heavy chest and a lump in her throat.
Dragging her sadness like an anchor she trailed back to the house. The woman was in her room with the door closed and locked. But even the closed door, couldn't hide the cries. The desperate, broken, agonizing cries, from a broken soul. A month went by, her heart and the ship had not made there return. A year, and still no sign.
She waited longer on the beach. Wading in the water, all the way up to her waist. The sun signaling high noon, and her eyes drifted to something coming over the horizon. A tiny shape at first, that slowly grew into a large shape. The same ship that she had watched leave, was limping across the slow moving waves, towards the port. Her ears didn't hear the sound of the sad bells that sounded through the ocean town. She stood there in the freezing water, watching it pull in. Unable to believe what she was seeing.
The once glorious ship, with golden bows, white sails, and the finest wood in all the land. The fasted ship in the sea. Was limping back slowly, with burned sails, broken rails, and a bow with a hole through it. It was halfway underwater.
An hour went by and she did not move, she seemed frozen by the water. A man with a shaved head, wearing a blue, red and white suit, shined shoes, and a white beret, approached her from the shore. He held a carefully folded cloth with red and white stripes, a blue corner and white stars.
His kind words didn't reach her as he handed it to her. Everything seemed to collapse in front of her. Her fingers slowly traced over the brilliant flag. And a fresh wave of pain engulfed her, a numbing pain that never went away. Her heart had gone down miles from her, in an unfamiliar ocean, surrounded by unfamiliar strangers. Never to be recovered again.
And she was left staring at the ship that had taken him. The man with her heart. Who had promised he would come to her sixteenth birthday. Was two hours to late. She was left alone on that shore, holding the only thing to remind a daughter, who's daddy would never come back, on a ship that did.

Deleted user

I'm surprised someone bothered to keep this going for the billion years I was gone.
May's prompt is


Make it what you want from it.


Don't worry about it, and cool prompt.. The_Wild_Warrior that was great. Huge improvement. You told the story without specifically saying what happened until the end, which makes it interesting and more descriptive.


This is Roce. She's important, but so underdeveloped, I should be doing more with her

The first thought in a while crosses my mind: I'm wet.
It's such an absurd thought to think, especially for the first time in two years, that I don't even look to see where I came from. Was thrown from. After a few stunned seconds, I turn my head to look around. Someone punches me in the face.
I choke in air, spew it out, realize I'm sinking like a stone board. I've even forgotten to swim when in water. It was a wave that punched me in the face, an unnaturally vivid dark blue and foul-tasting. Another comes at me again, so tall they block out the sinking sun. Once more I feel violently sick, and also full of dread. I don't know where I am yet, but at least it's easy to navigate in Baelires. Obviously in an ocean - land is nowhere in sight, and there are still a few birds left in the sky.
A ship. A submarine. Something. I was thrown off of something which is gone now. I can't remember. I grind my teeth, it would have been easier if I had remembered to look around for once. There is no hint that anything was even here at all - I might have just dropped from the sky. The world is silent except for the wheezing hiss of the waves.
In Baelires, it gets dark. So dark. It would terrify any foreigner or anyone who is not nocturnal. The dark is my home, but the dark brings the unseen creatures. There aren't stars or a moon, so even as the sun is still setting I can only see fifteen feet in all directions, when the waves aren't blocking my view.
I've never been to the ocean before. Dacee, however rich and supplied with artificial ponds, is completely surrounded by land. I've never even been knee deep in water, so it is hard to swim. My legs and especially my feet feel very vulnerable, dangling in a world of nothingness for anything to see or touch, so I keep paddling them like a toddler.
The waves don't have enough direction or flow. They fly around like black shark fins, barely aiming for the unseen shore. I am attacked from all sides by water.
Something or someone yanks my ankles. My head pops down out of the air and into murky water, at the same time as twenty-six grey or white heads burst up to the surface. Hands and bodies make a ceiling above me as eleven more swimmers pull me farther down.Their hands are amazingly hard to slip out of for being underwater.
This, most people have been saying, is what is disturbing. Even when in danger, our hearts never really pound. It takes very great excitement, or a few built-in triggers, to make us panic or lose control. I am thinking fast now, but twisting and lashing out underwater, my heart still doesn't race.
Their faces are drastically different. It's very surprising to see the two races together. They are either truly desperate, or the whole human race is just quickly growing increasingly violent. I'm inclined towards the latter, as they're smiling and making eye contact.
It's an impossible situation. Hard to kill us as it is, we are very far from immortal. The saying's true that these can kill absolutely anyone. Like a pack of piranhas. They'll make you bleed out, or if impatient will rapidly pull you apart. I don't like saying that I hate any specific race, but seeing them like this, they're just like rabid animals, thrashing and spitting at me even in water. Another wave of them arrives, but it seems to be a rival gang. The danger decreases, slightly.
Another hand grabs me, this time on my shoulder. It's one of them, but not one of them. Not so bloodthirsty, at least. He drags me quietly out from under the roaring packs, far quicker than I could swim, but they quickly notice. I have become the trophy - there's nothing to war over if I'm missing, and they want to fight.
I am dragged faster, and farther down. The loner is oddly quick compared to the rest. I feel like I should be panting, but of course, I don't breathe anymore. All I can do is try to swim, but I really am helpless.
Calm as we are, we do feel fear. I am entirely petrified.