forum If anyone needs any short story prompts, I'm your person!
Started by @p3ncil

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I have a lot of different ideas popping into my head but I cant write them because I already have a project. I would love to see some of them come to life!


yoo if anybody has ideas for stories I can try my best to make them come to life for you! I've had writers block lately.

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Got anything very strange and quirky? I'd love to write something like that!


"You look over at your crush during class. To your delight, they smile at you. As you smile back, they hold up three fingers and start counting down. When they reach zero, the fire alarm goes off."
Godless: Either you don't believe in all the magical beings in your world or they all have forsaken you. Either way, they all want you dead.
Powerhouses: Energy crisis, but certain individuals have enough energy in them to be able to power cities for short periods of time. There is a world wide manhunt for these 'Powerhouses'
Book characters are sentient and are competing for readers. Your character resents being a source of entertainment and is actively trying to get out of their story.
In a dystopian future, at the age of 18, children's minds are selectively wiped (only getting rid of certain things, keeping education)Two lovers are desperately trying to find ways to remember each other for after their minds are wiped.


hey this is cool! got anything a bit dark and dramatic? id love to write sth :) but my inspiration is at a level zero at the moment :/


Ok, so for some semi realistic writing prompts, in biology, we were discussing brain transplant, so if you have person A who loved person B who died and donated their body… person C is on the verge of death so they undergo a very experimental surgery to get their brain into person B's body. Person A meets person C in person B's body…


Um also on the subject of brains… harvesting chemicals like dopamine from people's brains to get the ultimate high?

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@p3ncil okay wow that last one is really dark. Also, for the first one—if person B's body was detonated, then wouldn't there be, y'know no body left for person C to transplant into? It might work better if person B became brain dead or something. I don't know, just a suggestion.

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Oh oops. I thought it said detonated so I was confused. Sorry. :3


Okay, group prompt: Certain individuals have the ability to change their appearance at will. You are one of them, and you work with the police to fake crimes to make the local superhero (who actually sucks) look good. Unfortunately, the superhero disappears and is replaced by an actual, competent hero, who does not know you're the good guys.


Okay, group prompt: Certain individuals have the ability to change their appearance at will. You are one of them, and you work with the police to fake crimes to make the local superhero (who actually sucks) look good. Unfortunately, the superhero disappears and is replaced by an actual, competent hero, who does not know you're the good guys.


Also, if anyone's done any writing, I would love to read what you've got!


I need a writing prompt. I am writing a fantasy and already have my characters but have no idea what is going to happen in the middle. There's the Malum woods and my characters are trying to find rare and valuable plants, soil, animals, and food. What should happen along the way? I can't just write "so yeah they fought some dragons and stuff then found the treasure, but uh-oh, someone died. The end."


@Wyvern. Hmm. You could think up some quirky/ weird antagonists that they encounter. A while back I was considering writing a fantasy novel and I had this idea for this lady who traps people in her garden and makes them care for her plants, only each plant needs to be taken care of in a very specific way, otherwise, they get angry and will try to kill someone. The characters then need to do some serious problem solving to escape her. I'm not ever going to use this specifically, so feel free to take it if you like it, but to create more on your own, just look around at ordinary aspects of your life (the bus, the grocery store) and think "What if?" "What if you check out at this certain kiosk, and buy these certain items, it will do A THING?"