forum any prompts?
Started by @Sugar-Lover

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Maybe have a sort of class thing? So it's all very structures. Like maybe the Air signs are the leaders and see certain signs as a threat? Maybe theres prejudice against some signs and parents disown their child for being born under that sign. Also make each sign have a unique physical trait (E.g Aries and taurus signs having horns?) and give them all a birthmark of their sign? Maybe those with animals can transform into those animals? (E.g Leo's turn into lions). Different cities for different elemental signs all with unique architecture and people. For a plot: Maybe one of the signs falls in love with another whose 'Incompatible' and they spark revolution/Some signs are being killed off on purpose due to dangerous natures ect…? There's a few.

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Okay, TOTAL self promo. My Pinterest username is GrammarQueen4, the name is Mir… Under my 'Future' Board, there's a section called 'Writing'. I try to keep it stocked with prompts for ppl who need it. Check it out :)


maybe people with certain zodiac signs have different powers? like gemini can split into two bodies, Aquarii can manipulate water, etc. maybe you could create a team of superheroes based on their zodiac sign? Idk im into superheroes lol

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maybe people with certain zodiac signs have different powers? like gemini can split into two bodies, Aquarii can manipulate water, etc. maybe you could create a team of superheroes based on their zodiac sign? Idk im into superheroes lol

What would Leo be? Imma Leo :D


thats a good question! my first thought is turning into a lion but just turning into the symbol feel like a cop out, you know? maybe something like sonic powers where you hurt people with sound yknow bc lions roar? and thats just kind of how i think of leos i dont know much about astrology haha

i just like coming up with superpowers lol. im a sagittarius though so i guess archery powers? i think libra would be like controlling the weight of objects bc scales. pisces could be talking to fish like aquaman! i feel like scorpios could just be like scorpia from she-ra so just scorpion claws and a scorpion tail.

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LOVE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And everyone could have, like, a patron saint! Like, their religion is the saint who is connected to their sign? Is that already a thing?


i dont know much about religion or signs but that sounds super cool! like real saints from christianity or fictional saints from this world? because coming up with a bunch of saints sounds really fun. and creating a religion for each sign would be awesome! like the traits associated with each sign are what the religion values most? like gemini value being multifaceted and scorpios value passion and zest for life etc. honestly im learning so much about astrology just from googling signs to make these posts

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I'm a total astrology (and astronomy) nerd, so I'm excited for u!!!


I really like the idea of having everyone separated and classified by their sign but then the protagonist was born on the split of two signs and no one knows where they truly fit in because they have the marks and traits of both of those signs. Maybe there are a group of people, all born in one year, that share the same predicament and they form a gang of outcasts. I don't know where you could go from there though.