forum Technically not a TV Show but The Penumbra Podcast, anyone?
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Deleted user

I love it Nureyev and Juno are so dumb and gay and I am dumb and gay and thus. Yes. Also I'm only up to Lesson Learned so… yeah, but I don't mind spoilers so what is Ramses's whole Thing? What is his deal? What's up with him?

Unrelated but I finally got my mother to listen to it, and like… I don't know how she feels but hopefully it isn't too bad I guess?

Deleted user


Deleted user

Second Citadel was fine? I had a hard time really getting into it tbh.

I also love Juno.

Deleted user

I love Juno too! But Peter and Rita are my faves

Deleted user

Oh totally. I personally relate to Juno on multiple levels so I favor him a bit more but everyone likes who they like and I must admit, Nureyev Is Hot. Also, I'd definitely die for Rita.

Deleted user

I have a thing for smart people, espicially hackers lol

Deleted user

Yes! Rita is just… ajdjjfjsnsjaj she's lovely I care her.

Deleted user


I ended up just skimming through the transcripts until we got Nureyev back because like. I missed he. So I'm pretty much all caught up now and MR O FLARATEY WHAT THE HELL? Also Jet is my new favorite.

Deleted user

Ooh yes.


I lomve theys.

Even if they are a war criminal

I still love theys. And their beautiful voice! The voice actor is actually a singer called anjimiles and their acoustic cover of their song Maker is to DIE for.

Deleted user

Listen, they tried their best to help everyone!!!
I think Dark Matters should be the war criminals, seriously, with a name like that how are they not suspicous!!

Deleted user

Listen, they tried their best to help everyone!!!
I think Dark Matters should be the war criminals, seriously, with a name like that how are they not suspicous!!

I mean. They are. Evil. Soooo.

Deleted user

Like M'tendere still did bad things, but I do like how they handled their redemption.

Deleted user

Also like Jet. My lad. I'm so sorry you're sad.

Deleted user

Also like. Peter. What is up with you. What is going on.

Deleted user

Peter really does have that good good emotional trauma that comes from abuse

Deleted user

Yep. No wonder I relate to himahhhhhhh okay yeah. I'm not okay. But I have therapy! And Peter will hopefully get therapy too.