forum Stuff your parents watched as kids (and make you watch)
Started by @Pickles group

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@Pickles group

My parents make me watch all their favorite old tv shows from when they were my age. Anyone else? (And what were they because I'm interested)

@GoodThingGoing group

My mom got my little sister hooked on the Little House on the Prairie TV show (much better than the books. S6 is the best one) and now she watches it almost every night.
My parents also really like Seinfeld, which I watch with them but my sister doesn't.

Deleted user

My mom made me watch Little House on the Prairie and also Beverly Hills…

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The Peanuts cartoon specials, which was fine and I think ought to be timeless and classic.

But literature wise, Atlas Shrugged…which…uhhhhhhhhhhh…not so much…