forum Any love for Bojack Horseman?
Started by @mckapo

people_alt 4 followers


I saw this on Netflix, and was like… that looks like the dumbest show ever.
And then somehow I got to watching it, and it is so good! and sad and depressing…
But a very good show. I recommend it to everyone!

@PastelWriter Premium Supporter

Excellent show! I also thought it looked beyond dumb when I first saw it, but I've been watching since season one now. Writing and characters are so complex and flawed, but it's also super hilarious.

Vera Lioness

I absolutely love BoJack Horseman! I totally needed this show so much in my life. The characters are all very dynamic and each offers such a realistic outlook on the reality of life. I just started watching BoJack a few weeks ago and my friend and I finished the series a few days ago. Such an amazing show!