forum Tutorials
Started by @Riorlyne pets

people_alt 95 followers

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

Never mind, I figured it out. To strikethrough is <strike>word/sentence</strike>.

You can also just use two of these little symbols ~~ at the start and end of a word or sentence to strike through anything. It’s easier in my opinion.

Easier and faster!

Simon Goodson Premium Supporter

The tables format doesn't seem to work unfortunately, even if I copy / paste this example I get every section on a different line. Has something changed there?

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Testing the table format:

Comparison Cactus Juice Giant Mushroom
Quenchy? Yes No
Friendly? No Unknown
Deadly? Probably not Most likely

If you click the three dots on this post and then click "Quote", it's easy to reformat your text into the working table. If you can see it working in the posts (this one or the original one), then it should still be working – please double check your formatting! If you can't see them working in posts, then something's definitely off – if that's true, would you mind letting me know what browser you're viewing the forums with so I can do some digging and get it fixed up? :)