forum I’m Transgender, ask me anything!! (literally anything. A n y t h i n g) (looking for moderators/speakers)
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people_alt 80 followers

Deleted user

This is going to be the first of many thirst traps once I finally fUCKING START MY GODDAMN T-

Deleted user

This is going to be the first of many thirst traps once I finally fUCKING START MY GODDAMN T-

gender envy go burr dude- ur hot-

Noooooo don’t say nice things to meeeeeeee

@Eli-the-transboi group

This is going to be the first of many thirst traps once I finally fUCKING START MY GODDAMN T-

gender envy go burr dude- ur hot-

Noooooo don’t say nice things to meeeeeeee

I will feed that damn ego because you deserve it.

@Phrog-King terrain

Update: haven’t started T yet, may have to go on shots because of insurance but like I shaved the sides of my hair and got a new binder in the mail tonight as well as sized up in ear gauges this week so like. Ya boi feels handsome as fuck rn.

Our boi looks handsome as fuck rn. Get it King

Deleted user

Aww thanks dudes! I'm honestly pretty insecure about how I look most of the time so I'm glad I look ok!

Deleted user

Also, I'm considering getting top surgery soon: I'm terrified but also excited and it's like,,,,, really cool to do research but also I kinda am dying inside.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Also, I'm considering getting top surgery soon: I'm terrified but also excited and it's like,,,,, really cool to do research but also I kinda am dying inside.

Oooooo. I’d just say do whatever will make you happy.

Deleted user

I know but like,,,,, surgical complications, pain, drains, etc….. I'm kinda spooked! Still happy tho.

@Phrog-King terrain

Aww thanks dudes! I'm honestly pretty insecure about how I look most of the time so I'm glad I look ok!

Sir. King. Monsieur. Syr. Herra. Ser. Seonsaengnim. Ok my left foot. You look IMPECIBLE