forum I'm an artist, not a writer.
Started by Meitswhatever

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Heyoo, I am, I think, one of the only people here who actually isn't a writer - I'm an artist. I want to create a webcomic with my universe. I was just wondering, is there anyone else here doing something similar, and not actually writing a book? And if so: what do you find is the best way to organise your notes and figure things out (other than this website obviously)


I myself am an artist as well, though I love writing, and technically, I think you'd be a writer too, if you're making a story. Anyways though, I love how detailed the character pages are, it's just to help a lot with your characters, keeping them straight, and keeping them to their 'own' personality and keeping them believable. In premium(I wouldn't normally get premium or anything but I was just SO curious) there's a 'Scenes' category for regularly used places/situations that may also be helpful with keeping things consistent. I just joined a day ago and I'm really already loving it. ^~^ Good luck in your future endeavors!


Same here. I'm writing my own thing and at this point I'm not sure if it will be in novel format or not. My main occupation is Artist for my sister's budding novels, as I'm helping her develop the worlds her novels take place in.


I'm an artist also! I'm planning on writing a book and a comic about my characters. The book will be a bit more serious and the comic, not so much. But they both will still have the same goal and most of the same plot in it!