forum Overlord class weapons, An overlook.
Started by Human Violence prevention council

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Human Violence prevention council

Overlord weapons

Overlord weaponry is a special classification, it is the end of all as we know it. Overlord class weaponry has the ability to destroy entire planets and wipe out populations between days or seconds. Humanity has been the prime inventor of Overlord class weaponry and as is such the TADOS has access to multiple forms of said weaponry.

Cannibal virus

The cannibal virus is an airborne infectious disease that any living creature with an advanced enough nervous, respiratory, circulatory, and digestive system can contract, the virus is extremely resilient and is officially classified by the G.D.C.O. (Galactic Disease control officials) as a Chimera virus, being 54% synthetic. The disease causes the infected to develop massive tumors in the intestine and circulatory tract, giving infected bloated appearaences. Not only do these tumors cause a grotesque image they release a antibody that causes the body to attack itself or ‘Cannibalize’ itself. Within hours the stomach will have been ruptured and the interior of the infected will begin to melt as the stomach acids slowly eat through the rest of the body and cells attack cells in a crazed fashion, the virus is exceedingly painful to die to and has no treatment. This virus was outlawed in the year 2100 after it was used to put down a colony of pirates by the Chinese branch of the government. The virus was sent to said colony by use of Javline rail cannon launching canisters that exploded once they entered the lower atmosphere. It is confirmed that TADOS has seven canisters of this virus.


The Experimental Oxygen Igniter - 01 is an experimental missal used to destroy several different Ji’Rinian colonies during the 2173 war between the TADOS and the Ji’Rinian forces. The missal works of the principal of excreting an air based agent that attaches itself to oxygen and hydrogen molecules. The missal will then release several thermite charges, causing the agent to ignite and igniting the surrounding Oxygen and Hydrogen. This weapon was extremely effective on Water based planets, as entire oceans would suddenly go up in flame as the molecules were forcibly disconnected and burnt. This also caused small scale nuclear explosions on multiple occasions, entire planets were destroyed with these weapons alone. This weapon was outlawed in 2180 when the Ji’Rinain forces surrendered. It is currently unknown if TADOS has a reliable stock of these weapons.

IPRC - Javelin

The Interplanetary Rail Cannon, the IPRC Javelin, is a rail cannon roughly two kilometers in length. Fifteen of these placements are scattered around the Terran home planet, and five placements confirmed on Mars. They have the capacity to launch practically any type of projectile known to mankind, as long as the caliber is large enough. These weapons were first seen during the 2174 Ji’Rinian invasions on the Terran home planet Earth when a Ji’Rinian Spellcruiser was destroyed after a ‘Large green streak of fire’ was seen exiting from what was assumed to be a guard tower or communications tower surrounded by a military camp in central North America. These rail cannons can launch projectiles at a currently unknown speed and have shown the capacity to preform interplanetary shelling. As was displayed in the 2100 Cannibal virus attacks on the pirate colonies by the Chinese government. and the 2174, 77, ad 78 attacks on Ji'Rinian shipyards and Magma mines. Currently it is known that the Javelin rail cannons possess heavy ion shielding and the current rate of fire is unknown.

The ISP-Half Halo

The Interstellar Strike platform, or the ISP-Half Halo, is a massive space based nuclear shelling system of an unknown size, the only confirmed sighting of the ISP-Half Halo was in 2198 when a massive rebel Teeflican camp that had been terrorizing peaceful Teeflican farming districts was suddenly wiped off the face of the planet and a large glowing ‘Half halo’ appeared on the horizon, this ‘half halo’ was visible halfway around the planet and was reported to have lasted for one minute straight. based on leaks from the TADOS database and research done by the Galactic Council of Human Violence Prevention (G.C.H.V.P.) It was confirmed that the Half Halo launched a large projectile at roughly Mach 10 that impacted into the ground and detonated. Creating a massive crater and destroying the area around the crater with a massive release of nuclear energy, the Teeflicans are immune to radiation in large amounts but not immune once it reaches a certain point, the radiation released by the projectile was roughly 1/10 of the total radiation produced by a blue hypergiant in one hour, this vaporized all surrounding vegetation and living material, leaving the area covered in a fine ash.

*later entry
We have recently received confirmation that the ISP-Half halo does exist and is now officially called the TDSP (Trans dimensional Strike Platform)-Half Halo.

*note from GCHVP chairman
Please note that we need to call a meeting ASAP. And look over the data provided to us by the TADOS, a remotely controlled Trans Dimensional vehicle has never been seen before, they could potentially have several orbiting different planets, I suggest we call a state of emergency and start a deep scan of all near dimensions immediately.


Questions? Comments? Let our earth-based official know! GCHVP.EARTH.DATABANK.CONTACT

Please note that this article is CLASSIFIED. Anyone viewing this article without a signed document of permission from the G.C.H.V.P. is subject to trial at the court of law, with up to 50 years in Terran federal prison, a fine of 50,000 USD, or the confiscation of all sandwich related objects by our earth-based official.

Feedback is appreciated, wanted, and is used to make the stuff I do better. If you have thoughts or any way I could make this better, please do tell me!


You're giving me some serious Warhammer vibes and I love it! All of this stuff sounds like things used during the Dark Age of Technology, and the only thing you're missing at this point is some kind of singularity cannon or black-hole bomb. Maybe some gravity-based terraforming weapons that could flatten a city? What about a Dyson sphere-based weapon platform that uses star energy to vaporize distant systems? I could imagine some hyper-intelligent AI or a clairvoyant species using it to destroy planets years from when they fire it.

"Are we locked on?"
"Sir, yes sir!"
"FIRE! And that's it, everyone! Go home, we won't be seeing any results until 35 years from now. Put a reminder in your calendars and we can all come back and have a big cookout during the countdown!"

Something to that effect, anyway.

Human Violence prevention council

You're giving me some serious Warhammer vibes and I love it! All of this stuff sounds like things used during the Dark Age of Technology, and the only thing you're missing at this point is some kind of singularity cannon or black-hole bomb. Maybe some gravity-based terraforming weapons that could flatten a city? What about a Dyson sphere-based weapon platform that uses star energy to vaporize distant systems? I could imagine some hyper-intelligent AI or a clairvoyant species using it to destroy planets years from when they fire it.

If I were to go into the fleets of the T-SADOF then a Dyson sphere type weapon would be present in the T-SADOF Equalizer, the flagship and pride of earths finest that holds a small scale scar that powers a massive laser as its primary cannon

I do like the idea of a Gravity based weapon, something like a large disc type ship, pretty much a typical UFO, that hovers a few thousand feet over an area then uses some type of gravity blast something to cause the entire city to implode to a certain point. If used on a large enough scale you could implode an entire planet or even a star, which would could be a major asset in a war 'surrender or we fucking blow up your star'.

Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read this! The Sci-Fi section seems a bit dead sadly so I was surprised to get the notification!


Wait a minute, if the ship with a fucking star powering its main weapon battery is called "The Equalizer," what the hell do the other guys have?!

Human Violence prevention council

The Equalizer was originally built to become a fleet killer in the 2173 wars between the Ji'Rinian empire and Humanity as a whole, spearheading charges into hostile territory to end battles quickly, while humanity looks upon it as their greatest achievement as they should, the technology for the laser itself was provided by the Teeflican species. Once other species such as the Toki and Ji'Rinians found out that the Teeflican union had allied with the T-SADOF, an arms race quickly developed. During the beginning of the arms race humanity still didn't know about the Toki, but was ultimately drawn into a war with them over a habitual star system both species were looking to inhabit, the Toki for more shipyards and resources, humanity for more living room.

During the beginnings of the war, it was predicted the war would be over quickly, as humans only came into contact with light Toki ships and had little to no skirmishes, it was only six months into the war that the first contact with a Toki Warcruiser was made contact with, The premise behind Toki technology is this

Ship are Big, slow, clumsy, easy to hit, but nearly impossible to destroy.
Weapons are large, slow, inaccurate, but they don't need to hit their target, they just need to hit a general area.

During the warships such as the Gyro class frigate (a ship armed with armor-piercing and subsesmic cannons and built around a gyroscope to allow for crazy movement) were developed to counteract the Toki armor superiority, and the Equalizer was forced into frontline combat more often, acting as a sheild, currently as far as my timeline goes humanity is still in an all-out war with the Toki.

I still really need to develop the Toki and Ji'Rinian tech trees a LOT more, not to mention the Teeflican technology tree.