forum Basil the AI idea and help thread
Started by @Althalosian-is-the-father book

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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I thought it would be a good idea to have a place to chat about AI and how to do well there so that we could share our progress or tips. Many thanks to Lord @andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) for this incredible tool, and kudos to sourcing it's data ethically. This is amazing and when money is less tight I will definitely buy premium again to really work at developing my skills at AI art creation.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So here's what I think I used for the first go:
Gender: Male
Age: 50ish?
Weight: 300 lb.
Height: 8 ft.
Hair Color: Orange
Hair Style: Weird stripes
Facial Hair: Big beard
Eye Color: Bright green.
Skin Tone: Grey
Body Type: Muscly giant

Here's how I did the second one: I Spoilered it bc it's a tad cursed
Gender: Male
Age: 50 years old
Weight: 300 lb.
Height: Eight feet tall, very tall
Hair Color: Orange, bright orange, long frizzy orange hair
Hair Style: Long orange frizzy hair frohawk
Facial Hair: Big orange beard
Eye Color: Bright sparkling green.
Skin Tone: Grey skin, gray skin color
Body Type: Muscly giant, very large, large muscles, gray muscle arms
Outfit: sleeveless

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

First things first, I was impressed by the first one. Obviously the skin tone didn't come through as well as eye color, plus the comical bit with the beard. But I wasn't expecting this level of quality. I decided to switch things up in Digital.
Age and height did nothing, I think the hair is too frizzy, plus the beard problem is still there. The Frohawk didn't make it in, which I could maybe double up on for emphasis later. Basil tried to make the beard red, but it didn't come through. I can experiment with that later. Skin color came through! I think I'll keep that as is. I think I went too far in the muscles department, so I'll try to scale that back. I think that also contributed to him being nearly naked. I did put sleeveless in clothes, but I think I'll write some in this next time.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Here's my next experiment
Gender: Male
Age: 50 years old, older man (Pulled back to 50%)
Weight: 300 lb. (Pulled back to 50%)
Height: Eight feet tall, giant man
Hair Color: Orange, bright orange, long orange hair
Hair Style: Long orange hair, frohawk, mohawk hairstyle (1 click forward)
Facial Hair: Big orange beard, long red beard (All the way forward for emphasis)
Eye Color: Bright sparkling green, emerald green eyes
Skin Tone: Grey skin, gray skin color
Body Type: Muscly giant, gray muscle arms
Outfit: sleeveless tank top, tan tank top

Alas, I deleted this one, making it unseeable. Will update.

Alrighty. Grey skin was lost, face was lost, beard worked but was too emphasized maybe. We did get a tank top though. Back to the drawing board.
(BTW, changes on one page do not get set back to original settings.)
Gender: Male
Age: 50 years old, older man (Pulled back to 50%)
Weight: 300 lb. (Pulled back to 50%)
Height: Eight feet tall, giant man
Hair Color: Orange, bright orange, long orange hair
Hair Style: Long orange hair, frohawk, mohawk hairstyle (All the way forward for emphasis)
Facial Hair: Big orange beard, long red beard (1 click back)
Eye Color: Bright sparkling green, emerald green eyes (1 click forward)
Skin Tone: Grey skin, gray skin color (1 click from the end)
Body Type: Muscly giant, gray muscle arms
Outfit: sleeveless tank top, tan tank top

Interesting… I think this shall end my work for tonight.

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

I love this thread! One small note on the images, though: to keep generated images secure and private, links to them only work temporarily (which is why the images are broken in your posts now). Unfortunately this is necessary to keep others from being able to guess or enumerate through all possible values to view other users' generated images. However, if you save your images to a regular notebook page (or upload them somewhere like Imgur), the image links will continue to work indefinitely! :)


Great info! Here is my obstacle, whenever I present a character sheet to Basil, he tells me I do not have enough information to work with. Although I have written a couple of paragraphs. What are the basic criteria that Basil requires to gen an image?