forum Well. It appears the site is uhh. Lagging. Just a bit.
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 4 followers

Deleted user

Yea umm.
Good job andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer).
I am assuming your trying to optimize something or the server is just tanking currently and dying.

Deleted user

yeah. so tired of seeing "check your heroku logs" or having a Perfectly crafted response deleted

Deleted user

Or editing a bunch on a character or universe and going to save and it going “Ha nope.”

Deleted user

Yaaas that’s why I always copy when the site’s being finicky.

Deleted user

Made a giant back story for a character.
Goes to save.

@itsZombles Beta Tester

andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s probably working on getting the new server up to speed. Always write your stuff in a google doc (with offline mode on) just in case when you're working on an internet-based medium! You'll never know when something's going to oops up.

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Just an update on this – I have a release ready to go that reduces the number of calls to the database by up to 20x in a lot of places, which should result in a ton more people being able to be on the site at the same time without straining the servers. I'm testing it now, and plan to have it go out tonight or in the morning, but I'll be monitoring servers manually until then to make sure they stay up and running smoothly. They should get a lot better after the release though. :)

Deleted user

That’s amazing andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)! Thank you!

Deleted user

Ring ring, progresso.
The site is chugging as slow as a Infantry Support tank for the Second World War.