forum Unread discussions won't go away?
Started by @halfging3r Chihuahua Mom

people_alt 55 followers

@halfging3r Chihuahua Mom

So, I have two unread discussions notifications that I can't seem to get rid of. I've looked in my data vault, and I found two discussions I'm apparently following with something about a 'quickbooks error" that I don't remember looking at, so I'm thinking that it's those two that are the culprit. Thing is, I can't access the discussions in order to unfollow them; it says I'm not authorized. May I please have some help?

Deleted user

This has also been happening to me. But when it does, I usually just Unfollow it and wait a few minutes and refollow. You have to wait because if you do it right away, it will still be the same.

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

These are from spam; sorry about that. When I remove spam it doesn't always get marked as read for all users by default and sometimes appear as an unread notification because of that. I've got a big update planned at the end of this month (hopefully!) that should rework a lot of the spam stuff and fix this for all notifications.