forum The Site’s Being Slow, But The Drop Down for My Account Isn’t Working Either.
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people_alt 1 follower

Deleted user

I’ve tried it in multiple places but can’t get it to work.

@Eldest-God-andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Glad to hear the site's running faster for you! Just to clarify, by drop-down selection you mean this dropdown, right?

Can you try a "hard refresh" of the page (control + shift + R together if on Windows, or command + shift + R together if on Mac)? That'll reload all the page code to make sure you have it all. You can also try clearing your browser cache.

Do you have another browser that you can try clicking the dropdown in? That'll help narrow down whether it's an issue with your browser and/or something else messed up.

Deleted user

I just reloaded the page a few times (by that I mean closed it off of my iPad) and I got it back. Thank you, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)!